6/12/16 in 750 Words

  • June 12, 2016, 1:52 p.m.
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I missed another day.

I’d be upset about it except for the fact that I had an awesome day yesterday.

Friday after work I grabbed Nate and the Monkey and we went to a hotel in town. This is our once a month or so thing – we get a room and hide for a day and a half or so. Sometimes with the kiddo, and sometimes without. We got to the room, relaxed for a few minutes and then wandered out to walk around downtown. We went to a toy store and picked up a toy apiece – Nate got some magnetic “thinking putty”… I never understood what thinking putty was… I mean, putty can’t think. I didn’t realize until he told me that it was putty that you can play with so you can think. It was a lot of fun to play with, especially when we added a magnet or three to the mix. Bradley got a magnetic board to draw on. It was really neat too. Not something I would have chosen, but Bradley liked it. I ended up picking up two things, which is fine, since I was paying. :P I got a Paper Sumo playset/game. It’s more fun than I thought it would be. You and your opponent choose your Sumo’s, set them up in the middle of the ring, and then you tap on the corner of the box in order to move the Sumos around. He who falls over first, or goes out of the ring loses. We decided that we’re going to use this toy to determine who wins in arguments. I figure stupid arguments deserve stupid answers.

I also got a watercolor kit for little kids. It’s one of those “my first watercolor” kind of things. The paper is treated so that the only places that’ll pick up color is the part that would need colored. -chuckles- You get a handful of colored ink that you can mix and make more colors. It’ll be a lot of fun to play with when I finally get a chance to.

Well, after the toy store, we walked back to the hotel and then lounged around. Monkey went to bed, and Nate and I stayed up a while later, talking and the like. It was really nice, cuddling and talking, nuzzling and it was good.

Yesterday we hung out here at the house. Monkey played on the Xbox, while Nate and I goofed off outside. We were met up with Nick, Maili, and Bob and the five of us got to hang out for a while. That was a lot of fun. Nick worked on making buttons for us, while Maili chattered with us, Nate dozed off and on and played with his putty. Bob and I worked on Jen-chan’s money lei. We finally finished it, and it’s awesome. :)

Nick works at Pizza Time part time, so we convinced Mom to take him to the pizza place and get us cheap pizza. Apparently if he comes in and makes it, it’s half off. The pizza was really yummy. We played Trailer Wars after pizza, and ate strawberries and chatted. All in all, it was a lot of fun.

Last night was spent working on the lei and then played a little on the computer. Then I went to bed and it was happy. :)

Jen’s mom is going to be picking me up in about ten minutes. We’re going to drive down to Portland to see Jen’s graduation, and then go out for lunch and hang out before coming back up this way. Then I get to get ready for work tomorrow.

This has been a really cool weekend. Probably one of my favorite ones in a while – not only did I get to spend time with Nate, but I got to spend time with my friends at my house, had enough people to play board games with, got to talk and laugh and… and I missed all of that. It’s amazing how much I’ve missed all that. We’re going to have to do more things together.

Haven’t gotten any Geo Caching done – the weather turned really fast this weekend and I didn’t want to run around in the rain to do this for the first time. Especially since Nate wasn’t sure if he even wanted to do any of it. I’m just waiting for Pokemon Go to get out of beta, or maybe, for them to do another wave of invites so we can join that. I’m sure I can get him to run around with me if we’re looking for Pokemon.

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