6/8/16 in 750 Words

  • June 8, 2016, 10:24 p.m.
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Today’s not starting out to be all that good.

Normally this week, when my alarm went off, I jumped up out of bed and got going… today I just couldn’t do it. The alarm went off and I kept hitting the snooze button for like an hour. That was stupid of me, I know. In my defense, I was having an interesting dream.

I only really remember the last few bits of it – but I had this amazing magic/super power where I could pretty much do anything I wanted – make things appear, teleport items, that sort of stuff mostly. I don’t know if I had the ability to affect myself or anyone else, but I do know in the dream I finally spoke to a friend about my powers, and I sent her some nyquil since she wasn’t feeling well. Then, when she came to my house, we were playing with a little army-man sized toy figure, and I made a half dozen of them, with different colors and whatnot, and made them grow to barbie/action figure size.

The downside of the power is that it was powered by my own energy / life force. So it gets me tired and whatnot every time I used it. This, coupled with the fact that for some reason I wasn’t born with that little bit of instinct that makes you stop when you’re doing something that’ll kill you, made it scary for me in the dream. I remember in the scene where we were making the action figures, when I was showing off my power and telling my friend about it, once my playing was done, the door slammed open and my maid (?) / bodyguard (?) flew in, yelling about me over exerting myself. I remember that she started yelling at my friend, blaming her, which really really upset me because it was so unfair. It was interesting.

The dream broke up in the scene after that. I escaped the room, just ran off, and went to some sort of event in an arena nearby. I think it was a band singing, and I knew the band, so I went to the arena. I was feeling lonely and hurt, so when a cute guy was chatting me up while on the way to the arena, I responded and invited him to watch the concert with me. At the arena, I (as in me, not the dream me) found out that I was a member of an important family. I got to go in a side/back door without any fuss of standing in line, and the guy was dragged in behind me. The look on his face was kind of funny, but we went to the private box for my family, and there were two thug like people there.

I remember using voice commands to have the computer call my uncle, who owned the box we were in. He said that the men were working for him, and ordered them to leave the box. They hinted at something or another about doing something stupid and then left.

That’s where it stopped when I woke up. I think I’m going to continue working on the story… it’d be interesting to write, to figure out how the I in the dream got my powers, what’s exactly going on, etc. etc.

Lets see, aside from the headache from not getting up when I was supposed to, and the fact that I’m feeling really damned rushed today, I’m doing alright.

Yesterday the only thing really of note that happened is that PAX tickets went on sale. The tweet came out at 1:00, that they were on sale. I got into queue at 1:02. 45 minutes later, I finally got to pick up my tickets. It was kind of scary though - about 1:30 they posted on the queue line that they were running out of tickets fast, and that even though you were in line, you weren’t guaranteed to get a ticket. That kind of made my heart go pitter-pat. But I did get a pair of tickets for each day. Thank god I put the extra money in my bank account two days ago, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get them.

I’m going to see about taking Nate with me… I also got a hotel room reserved for us, and I think it’ll be a lot of fun. We haven’t been able to spend much time together lately either, sadly. We’ve been missing each other - weekends that I have free, he’s busy, and visa versa. We did get to go see the Captain America: Civil War movie the other day, but that doesn’t really count. We didn’t get very much alone time and the time we weren’t at the movie, he was chattering with his younger brother who was up visiting. I don’t begrudge them at all. I’m hoping to be able to see him Friday and a bit on Saturday. Sunday I have Jen’s graduation, so blah. This weekend’s going to go by fast!

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