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Two years? Two Fracking Years?? in Fear & Loathing in Steel City

  • June 9, 2016, 5:53 a.m.
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All right, I guess I should start this entry off with an apology. I haven’t posted in this diary in almost two years. That is a long absence. For those who feared the worst and thought Peter_24601 had departed this world, fear no more. I’m still around… at least for the time being. The truth about my absence is a little more simpler than that. I forgot my password. Almost two years ago, my computer kicked the bucket, taking all my usernames and passwords with it. So I had no idea what password I used for this site, and after a million attempts to get the website to send me my password info, I have finally gotten back in.

So, now that we have that out of the way… I’m back.

Yeah, I know. Two years is a very long time to go without an update. So where do I begin?

I’ll start off by saying that friends and family are healthy and doing well. No one in my circle has kicked the bucket since the last time I wrote (knock on wood).

Still divorced, that actually became final last year. My divorce became final on my 40th birthday, so I had two reasons to celebrate that night. Who says she never gives me anything on my birthday?

My boys are doing well. Ethan turned 12 last year and Jon is now 10. The years are a flying by and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Never missed a single weekend, nor have I missed a single child support payment. I even pay 15% more than I’m required, merely because I can. Because of that things are very civil between the ex-wife and I.

As for me, work is going well. I’ve been a full time writer for quite some time now. I’m still writing comic books for a indie publisher out of Jersey, and that has been a lot of fun. Not only is it fun to write these scripts, but I’ve been to a few Comic Con events to promote the work. So far reception of our work has been positive so far.

I’m also doing a lot of ghost writing, and there’s a fair bit of money in that too. While I don’t like doing someone else’s work, Playstations and Skylanders don’t pay for themselves. Neither does my cable bill. HBO is not cheap.

I think that’s enough updates for now. I’ve got my password back, so this will not be the last entry I post here. I plan to come back and hang around for a little longer. I’ll also visit a few favs and surprise the shit out of them with some notes.

Until then, take care.


Last updated June 09, 2016

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