6/6/16 in 750 Words

  • June 6, 2016, 9:45 a.m.
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Good morning,

I had a good day yesterday. Well, good as in, I spent time with my sister, but not good because of some of the stuff that we talked about.

Patrick has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and was recently diagnosed, as in, less than a month ago. Luckily it’s still in the early stages… I can’t remember if it’s late stage one, or early stage two, but they said that it hasn’t spread from his lymph nodes in his neck. Anyways, between his dr appointments and the fact that their store still isn’t open (it just got new cabinets and is finishing up the stocking orders, so Milo hopes that it’ll be open soon), they’re really short of money. They’re working at the Seattle store for 100.00 each a day, about 3 or 4 days a week, but when you’re used to twice that a week, it’s painful.

Talking to Maili this weekend, I offered to take money out of our savings and go and buy her some food and stuff that she needs for the house. Yesterday was our shopping day, so Court took the two of us to Win-Co and we filled a cart with stuff for my family, Maili’s family, and the guinea pigs. It cost less than I thought it would, thankfully. :) Then we went to Petsmart, and since we had another 15% off coupon, we picked up a month or two’s worth of really good dogfood for Turrok – he gets the itchies when he eats cheap dogfood or anything with grains in it, so we try to get him good, grain free stuff.

Then we went out to eat and dropped her off. It was great spending time with her, but the conversation is what I’m worried about. Patrick starts chemo on the 15th. He’s worried about that, and so is she. She’s not too worried about him not making it through, with the cancer being in it’s early stages and him being a strong, healthy, young man, I think the doc says he’s got an 85 to 90% survival chance. No, Maili’s more worried about Pat’s mental state… he’s a mobile, strong gent who doesn’t get sick often. He’s not used to being sick, not used to not being able to get up and do something on the drop of a hat, and now he’s going to start chemo. Maili and Pat’s minds are both filled with the worst case scenario and there’s nothing I can really say.

Then when you add to that the “baby” conversation. As in, they’re probably not going to have one, or at least not have on for a while. With the chemo, they have to use protection. Doc says it could be for anywhere between 18 months to however many years, depending on how much chemo is needed and how long it stays in his system. Then the doc said that there’s a chance that Pat could be sterile after the treatment. She’s worried about that – they want a child, but just not right now, but they can’t afford the sperm freezing thing. She knows that there’s lots of kids out there who need loving families, and they’re not adverse to adopting when they get settled in a position where they can afford a child, but yeah.

Court did point out the fact that Pat’s a twin. So if worse comes to worse, Maili could ask his brother to supply the baby batter for her and Pat to have a baby. It’s more Maili fretting and worrying than anything. I kind of wonder if she’s worrying about the baby thing, so she doesn’t have to worry about everything else. That sounds like her, and it actually helps, I suppose. She also said that she’s going to hump him as much as she can before his treatment starts, that way she can say she gave it a good go, as far as having a baby is concerned. I laughed when she told me I’d have to be her baby-daddy, so she can afford to have a kidlet (we work different hours, days, etc. so it’d save on babysitting).

Other than that, and the fact that it’s ungodly hot here right now, there wasn’t much that I did last night. I am slowly working through the magazines/comics that are sitting out in my garage, and I have a really nice sized stack of pictures that need to be turned into buttons. I’m really enjoying that work, but I do need to work on maile again really soon. Jen’s graduation is this Sunday, so I’m going to get my ass in gear for making her lei. I’m a slacker. Such a slacker.

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