6/5/16 in 750 Words

  • June 5, 2016, 12:20 p.m.
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Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I missed a day already, le sigh. This is what happens when you change your habits really early in the habit building process. I mentioned to Mom that I needed to do it before anything else yesterday morning but nope, I forgot. Oh well.

Yesterday was a really good day, for all that it cost me a lot of money. :) I had a coupon for Petsmart, for 15% off your whole order, so we decided to stock up on bedding and hay and food for the guineas, got 2-3 bags of everything. That’ll keep them fed and with clean cages for a little while and it’s always nice to have extra in storage in case.

Then we picked up Bobbert and went to Michael’s for some more of the mini perler beads that we’ve been playing with. I have some pictures of what I’ve been making out of them, I’ll have to post them soon.

After Michael’s, we ran to the Half Price Books Outlet store – they were having an “everything’s $1.00” sale for one day only. >.< We spent way too much money there, but on the plus side, I have some manga to cut up for buttons, and have a huge stack of books to read. I’m thinking I’m going to have to go through all my books soon and get some ready to donate. I might donate them to the hospital, since they always need good fantasy/sci-fi books. And I really don’t want/need store credit for the local used book store.

Then, after spending all my money (heh!), we came home where I cooked lunch/dinner (lunner?) on the grill (burgers and corn on the cob) watched America’s Got Talent, and then hung out in the garage, listening to Ready Player One and working on making stuff with the mini-perler beads. It was an amazingly refreshing day and we both really enjoyed it.

After Bobbert ran off to home, I continued to play with the beads, worked some on buttons, and scarily enough, spent time chatting with Court. I think he enjoys it when Bob comes out to hang out, they have some things in common and like having stupid conversations, where each one tries to out-stupid the other (I know that’s not what the point of the conversations are, but it feels like it to me, heh).

Let’s see, what else is going on? I’m a part of a bartering group on Facebook, and I’m bartering with two people for some comic books… just finalized the second trade. The first one is for about a dozen or so books, and I’m trading a couple things I got from Loot Crate (a James Bond t-shirt and a pair of BB-8 socks) along with a pint of Apple Pie booze. The second one was harder… the guy was really eclectic with what he liked/wanted, and we were talking about stuff when he mentioned that he really wanted a NES console. I mentioned I had one but had to talk to the roommate about it. Talked to Court, and he said that he had no particular attachment to it.. so the guy’s going to bring a box of comics to the house tonight in exchange for it. He was really, really excited. I need to wipe the damned dust off the thing. We did plug it in and it started up. Probably needs a little cleaning of the insides and the 72 pin stuff checked, but I won’t do that. I’m excited about the comics though. :) I’m going to let Court go through the box first so if there’s anything he wants to keep, he can, before I abuse them.

Maili and Patrick (her boyfriend) found out that he has Hodgekin’s Lymphoma.. right around the same time that the store she works at is temporarily closed due to switching from medical mmj to recreational… her boss is an ass, but that’s neither here nor there. They’re short on money right now, so instead of getting the car I was looking at, I’m using a bit of my savings to take her food shopping today – he needs to be on a special diet for the next week or something because of some tests, and she’s really fretting on money. She’s working at the Seattle store about three or so days a week, but it’s not the same as getting a full paycheck. I figure she’d do it for me without question, so I’m not going to question doing it for her. Besides, I’ll be getting my raise in a month so I can shove more money into the bank account, no problem.

Aside from playing with my geeky stuff and taking Milo out to get foods, I don’t have anything planned today. It’s a nice, relaxing weekend. :)

Oh, and as for why I’m awake at this ungodly hour on a weekend – I fell asleep on the couch last night with a Munchie on my chest/shoulder, and woke up at 4:45, needing to pee and finding out that Munchie didn’t have that problem, because she wet all over my left shoulder. Nice wake-up call, no?

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