6/7/16 in 750 Words

  • June 7, 2016, 12:27 p.m.
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Sleepy. So Sleepy.

I don’t know why I am. I did head to sleep early. I blame the heat. Western Washington should not be this damned hot. Luckily, today’s the last day of 80+ degree temps for a little while, and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70’s. I’m not sure how the hell I survived. In fact I know that we’re getting an AC, whether Court likes it or not. Well, it’s not like he won’t like it, it’s more like he’s annoyed with having to figure out where to put it and stuff.

Work went well yesterday, got a lot of stuff done. Payroll’s kind of weird now without Kathleen. I’m helping Raven and it’s all good, she just has a different way of doing things and it’s a pain in the ass in a way. Like, normally Kathleen waited till the end of the pay period to add the stipends and the like, but Raven has them in at the beginning of the pay period. The only problem with that is that it makes it harder for me when I put in the payroll. Well, no, not harder, it just causes me to have to keep an eye on it harder. I’m just whining because I’m not used to it. I’ll get used to it sooner or later.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do today. Work wise, I have a little of data entry and a trip to the bank, but at home? I don’t know. I honestly didn’t do much when I got home last night – got home after doing some running around with Mom, played 7 Days to Die with my sister and then went to bed with a guinea pig on my chest (at least till midnight, when I woke up and put her up). I don’t even know what I should be doing today… buttons, perlers, or maile. I just feel like I should be doing something but this damned heat is sapping everything out of me.

Maybe I might go outside tonight and work on making buttons. I know I have Nick coming by to do that this weekend, but it’d be nice to get some of them made. I really ought to get things together to make some awesome display books again… the ones I have now are good prototypes, but I want to work on the next version of them. I don’t know what Mom would say about that though. It drove her nuts the last time I was messing with them. Especially since I stink at using the sewing machine.

I came up with something I want to do with Nate and the kiddo. I looked up geocaching yesterday and found out that there’s like 700 of them in Olympia alone. Well, Olympia and the surrounding area, but there’s still enough to make it fun. I’ve always wanted to try geocaching, but haven’t been able to get my ass up and moving because I didn’t want to do it alone. But taking a 6 year old out and having his dad hang around to spend time with me, that’s a cause I can get behind. It’s also nice because of the fact that it’s inexpensive and will be a lot of fun to do. It’s like Treasure Hunting. I’m going to pick up an inexpensive GPS this weekend and we’re going to try to get out next weekend to try the geocaching. Nate didn’t sound too excited about it, but he hardly sounds excited about anything. At least he’s not going “ewww, no, I don’t wanna do it!”

I talked to Maili about getting a house on the beach in August. Mom is up for it, and it’ll be fun for the family, including the boyfriends, to get away for a few days. We’re going to try to hunt down a nice house to rent either here or in Oregon. It should be pretty neat.

I’m going to try to pick up PAX tickets when they come out… I want to get two sets of tickets so that Nate and I can go and have fun. I’m going to have to figure out how to bribe Alex to take care of Bradley for the four days for the convention. I’m sure I can figure out how to do it. It’ll probably involve a lot of pizza, and some snarky commentary, but I can do it!

That’s pretty much everything in my head. :) I got the 750, even though I thought I would run out around 375!

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