6/1/16 in 750 Words

  • June 2, 2016, 3:19 a.m.
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  • Public

So I’m going to try this again… I did this a year or so ago and loved it, but when I ran out of free days, I stopped. I think I did subscribe for a little bit, or at least, I hope I did. Either way, I’m trying this again… free for a little bit, and then not free and hopefully being able to write these 750 words daily will help me clear my mind of all the musty, icky thoughts and dreams and habits that I’ve been slipping into.

Who am I?

30 years old. Female. Girlfriend to an interesting guy who I adore, but who my family doesn’t think much of (he has a “I know more than you” attitude and it’s kind of trying). Crafter. Friend. Sister. Geek.

That’s the bullet points. I don’t know if I can really be summed up in such an easy way. I used to take pride in the idea that I was a walking contradiction, but now I realize that those were silly things to be proud of. For the most part, I spend the majority of my time and energy trying to keep back the dark thoughts that haunt me and attempt to keep my hands and mind busy with whatever task I can come up with that day.

Lately I’ve been working on buttons – I found a bunch of comic books and manga magazines at Free Comic Book Day last month and totally stocked up. Granted, a decent number of them ended up not being able to be used – leave it up to me to get the one Thor comic that doesn’t have Thor or Loki in it, or a Wolverine comic that has awesome art, but nothing that would translate into a 1 inch or 2.25 inch button. Those comics I’m going to put into a box and then give out to friends / sell for .25 cents at a yard sale or something. Not a biggie – that’s what I paid for them anyways. The manga / anime magazines are NewType and Anime Insider… they’re good for a lot of good pictures as long as I’m not looking for anything all that new. I’m still looking for a good magazine / book for newer anime. I did get a manga of Attack on Titan to tear apart and got some good pictures there… If the roommate caught me doing something like that, he’d probably blow a gasket, bad enough I’m tearing up comic books. Heh.

I really need to get my ass in gear and get things done… I need to get pictures taken of all the buttons I have, and I need to get them put up online. I need someone to kick me in the ass and tell me to get to it… -sigh- I’m horrible at this sort of thing, I keep saying “Yeah, yeah, yeah, sometime I’ll get to it” but I never do. Bob helps me with things like this, but he’s as easily distracted as I am when it comes to things we don’t want to do, and taking pictures is definitely something that neither one of us wants to do. Slackers, aren’t we?

I want to get my stuff online so I can start selling and making money back… need to do that, need to do so many things. Gaaah. Brains are all filled and body is soft and squishy, weak and filled with mucus… ewww, I hate being sick. Did I mention I was sick? Spent the better part of 3 days in a Nyquil coma, and I’m alive and awake now… at least mostly.

I feel like I should try to get motivated or something… come up with a list of like, 5 things that I should do, and make sure I do one of the 5 things at least, each and every day. I give it two days before I give up on it, but it’ll be something to try… Okay… things I need to do:

  • Clean off my computer desk
  • Sort through buttons
  • Take pictures of items to go online
  • Post items online
  • Organize the Garage.
  • Package and organize the Donation to PAG.

Yeeaaah… that’s just off the top of my head. I’ll probably try to get the computer desk cleaned off and the Donation to PAG put together… Oo… PAG…

When I was at Cherry City Comic-Con in May, I sat next to a group called Pretty Awesome Gamers. They’re a charity focused on being the nerdy Make-A-Wish group. They’re a group of gamers who raise money to take ill children to comic and gaming conventions across the US. I didn’t have anything I could donate, and didn’t make enough money to give them a cash donation, so I offered to make 500 free buttons for them to hand out as swag. Any other buttons they want done, I’ll make at a little over cost for price, that way they can have a supply of small, inexpensive, swag that they can give to people to get their name out and I can have the satisfaction of knowing that I was able to give to their cause, if only a little bit.

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