6/2/16 in 750 Words

  • June 2, 2016, 8:15 a.m.
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I’m such a slacker. I didn’t get anything done yesterday… but in my defense I wasn’t feeling good yet… I left work, paid rent, grabbed a side for dinner and when I got home, dinner was done (roommate made fried chicken tenders and tater tots, we added a potato salad and some whipped cream / strawberry desert thing). I ate, and just kind of zoned out for a while. I did mention I wanted to do something and was going to start putting things together for the donation to PAG but realized I was tired, hot, and couldn’t focus. So I went upstairs, turned on my fan, took my last dose of Nyquil, laid down and started coughing. I couldn’t lay down without coughing and sputtering and just being miserable. It took me only a half hour to realize that my life sucks (at least as far as sleeping goes) so I went downstairs for a while, was miserable there. Took me another hour or so but I figured out the proper angle to have my head/back resting where I could sleep but not cough. Then I slept like the dead.

Today’s agenda -

Work. It’s farebox but I’m wondering if they’ll put the temp person in my spot and make me stay upstairs… nothing sucks more than being trapped in a small room with no windows for 4 hours with someone who’s coughing and filled with mucus. I also have to run to the bank today, need to put time down for that.

After work I have about an hour and a half or so before I’m supposed to meet up with Nate (the boyfriend) and his brothers to see Civil War. I’m hoping I’m feeling better for that… got a bottle of dayquil and I might spend that hour and a half dozing or taking a really really hot shower so I can get some more of the ick out of my lungs. I wouldn’t go, but I haven’t seen Nate in ages, and this is my first chance to meet his brother face to face - Matt lives in Nevada and isn’t up here often (doesn’t get along well with his mom / stepdad). I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to it or not.

That’s my plans for the day. Mom’s taking her friend Catrina out for her birthday today. It’ll be fun for the two of them. I’m actually kind of envious, but meh. Work’s fun and it pays better.

I have to work on a money lei for Jen-chan’s graduation next weekend. I have 45 dollars collected and this payday I’m going to get another 55 dollars in 1.00 bills and maybe a couple 5s and 10s to sprinkle in. I’m going to ask Bobbert to come over this weekend to help me put it together. It’ll also be a good time to give him his birthday present, since his birthday was two days ago. I got him a shirt from LootCrate – it’s a Green / White ranger from the Power Ranger tv show. We both loved it as a kid and I think he’ll get a kick out of it now.

That reminds me, I need to remember to give Nate his Deadpool statue that I got him. I’ll have to put a post-it up to remind myself to do that.

This weekend, besides the lei, I also want to get buttons worked on. Maybe I should go out and get some more felt and tools for getting everything together for making displays for the buttons. I also need to stop by the local geek shop to ask Morgan if he needs more buttons yet. I haven’t been there in 6 months. Damn, time just flies by. I do have a bunch of buttons that need to be pressed and my garage needs organized. Shit, I need to get a bookcase too. Okay. List time!

Tasks to do:

  • Get the PAG stuff together (finally!) and send it out. - Must be done before Saturday.
  • Look for Bookcase on Craigslist/Freecycle/Facebook
  • Organize Chainmaile and Buttons
  • Call Nick (Milo’s friend) and see if he can swing by to work on buttons for me this weekend.
  • Make the lei for Jen-chan
  • Shopping for Lei and Button stuff.
  • Get more hair combs for flowers
  • Pictures. Always pictures. >.<

The list just gets bigger and bigger. I hope this darned cold goes away soon so I can actually get some of these things done. I am definitely going to get something done tonight, and something tomorrow too. I’ll just have to call Bobbert and Nick and see if either of them can help. Or maybe Nate. Invite him to come play. :)

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