Something, anything? in A small but passable life.
- May 27, 2016, 10:16 p.m.
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I’ve finished reading “Postcapitalism: A Guide To Our Future” by Paul Mason and “The Other Slavery” by Andres Resendez. That’s three books for the month of May and eleven for the year so far. Pretty slow. I’ll blame it on the TV at Mom’s.
Liam Dog and I were doing well on our walks. We did five days in a row until it started raining again.
I believe I’ve got the SNAP going again. It took a worthless walk downtown to the office and nearly three hours on hold on the phone, but it seems to have been accomplished. $194 a month, once again. And there was verification that persons over the age of forty-nine do not have to mess with the whole job search nonsense. I’m guessing the government would rather not mess with millions of starving old people. They’d rather starve the children and youngsters. Less embarrassing? I dunno.
Anyway, everything here is back to normal. Whatever normal is.
Mom seems to have gotten the hang of the new method of bill paying. Everything is just chugging along fine. There is $1000 a month available to pay off debt or put into savings. And right now she has ended this month with $455 in checking. Not too shabby. The debts should be paid off in less than a year. It took over three months of explaining to her almost every day how this should and can work. I believe that now that she can see the results she’s happy with it.
The only thing I have left to be sorted through is my footlocker. It’s been over a year since I’ve even opened it. I’m thinking that the only thing I’d ever really need to get out of it would be the external hard drive. So, if I plan on just stashing the footlocker somewhere does that count as a box in the “two boxes, two bags” plan? Someone abandoned a shopping cart in the driveway of an empty house two houses down. Maybe I could just appropriate that and fill it up and call it enough stuff?
It seems as though a strange cracker tribe has moved into the shack directly across the street.
Anyway, I’m off to do . . . something. Anything?
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