Fired in Musings

  • May 13, 2016, 3:43 a.m.
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Well it happened. He was fired. And it happened a lot more quickly and dramatically than we could have imagined. So remember when I said in my last entry that everyone’s hours were cut? Well that was just what was assumed. Come to find out only his hours were cut. This understandably made him confused and frustrated so he wanted to talk to his boss.

He went to his boss and asked if they could talk about his hours. And before he could even say another word this man flipped out on him. He told Nathan all these crazy things about how he obviously didn’t want to be at this job and that he must not care about his family because if he did he would work harder.

Let me just pause here and say that this guy owns several companies in the area. He is hardly ever in the store. Maybe once a week if that. So I don’t think he understands how much Nathan does for that store although I’m sure he is feeling it now.

So this guy gets the other employees (of which there is only TWO left) and has a “meeting.” I guess it was basically just a shit show. He wanted to make Nathan look like a bad guy. He was basically trying to get dirt on him that didn’t exist. He then went on to say he only kept this business open to help those he was employing because he cares. Nathan, though he prrrrobably shouldn’t have said he didn’t feel cared about when he was never in the loop of what was going on with the store (which is true, he would find out everything second hand even though he’s been there longer than one coworker) Well apparently this made his boss irate and he told Nathan to “Get the fuck out”

I have been telling Nathan for months that this guy was an ass. He always sort of defended him but I knew he wasn’t genuine. He is the kind of person who will do these charitable things for people but only to make himself look good. Things have been going downhill for a while. He has been blaming his employees for everything. Not providing any sort of guidance or management. And not paying them enough even though they all work hard.

So it majorly sucks. All of it. He’s of course trying to find something else. I am just praying it happens really fast. I guess in the meantime there’s unemployement and food stamps. With a kid and another on the way I don’t feel any shame using these services. I just don’t want this to drag on as it has in the past. I’m trying to just not worry and take it a day at a time, but of course I suck at that.

OH and I found out I have gestational diabetes again. Yesterday was my first time readjusting to the diet and I wasn’t too pleased with my numbers. I hope I don’t have to go on meds but if I do it isn’t the worst thing ever I guess. It’s so much harder to eat on the specific schedule and check my blood sugar at the right times now that I have a kiddo to chase after.

Speaking of the kiddo, she feels better now but has still been having lots of trantrums. I try to be patient, but it’s hard sometimes. Especially when she is bucking against rules and structure she’s always had. I know it’s normal. But it’s hard to deal with when I’m already stressed over everything else.

Well that’s two entries in a row of complaints. Sorry for that. If you don’t mind throwing up a prayer or two for my family that’d be great.

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