Somebody that I used to know in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 20, 2020, 8:42 a.m.
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I’ll wait while you pick yourself up off the floor …

Yes, People’s, I’m writing an entry. I’m just as shocked as you are. LOL

As you can see, I am still alive. But those on Facebook already knew this. The other 75% of you are just finding this out.

My game plan is to be better about writing. It won’t be daily, that much I can promise you. But hopefully it won’t take another 3+ years before the next entry. I also plan to go check out OD and see what’s what over there and decide if I want to cross-post or just stay here. Baby steps.

I’m finally off night shift. I’ve completed 2 full weeks at work on day shift. After 6+ years of night shift, it feels weird. I’m starting to develop a (new) routine and it looks like I will have more free time to start back writing so that is why I am here. I want to go back to writing. I’ve missed it oh so much over the years. This feels good.

I’m still at the same hotel. April will be 6 years I’ve worked there. Where did that time go? The past 2 years have been so hectic with numerous changes. Mainly on the front desk. From new GM’s to new GSM’s to new desk clerks. But I’ll save those stories for another day. Just know that “Bat shit crazy” is alive and well in my hotel.

One of the changes at work was the need for a new sales coordinator (yet again). During a conversation with the Director of Sales, she said, “Hey, if you know of anyone who would be good for the job, let me know!” So I casually raised my hand and then ran my fingers through my hair. She looked at me and was like, “You’d want to do it?”

I was the first person to apply for the position over 3 years ago when it first came into being. Yes, I want the damn job!

So long story short, upper management thought it would be a fantastic idea and I would be a perfect fit. My job performance as Night Auditor proved my abilities, and since I am one of the rare “Golden Child’s” of the VP’s in the company, here I am as Sales Coordinator (well, since August really).

My GM, bat shit crazy bitch that she is, obviously fought this every step of the way for her own selfish reasons. She finally hired a new person to train as a Night Auditor at the beginning of December so that I could come off night audit fully. From August to Jan.1, 2020 I did night audit on Sun & Mon was off on Tue and did Sales Wed - Fri and off on Sat. My body quickly disintergrated on that schedule because I wasn’t giving it enough time to flip back over after working night audit. But its over and done and I am fully on day shift now. Of course I am on standby in case the new guy doesn’t work out but he’s another bat shit crazy story for another day.

So now I’ve been working as Sales Coordinator for less than 6 months. I so love that job. I had a feeling I would like it. I just never dreamed how much I would like it. I think Sassy has found her calling. There is so much to learn. I thought I’d learned all there was to know. But nope. There is even more that I don’t know. One of the programs we use had a 40 hour computer training class that took 3 months to do. I’m scared of how many hours the remaining 2 programs will consist of when I can finally start my computer training on them. In a perfect world, all of my computer training would have been completed in the first month.

This past Friday my DOS sat me down and offered me the Sales Manager position.

Read that again.

:::mouth opens and closes:::

I have no words. I’m just as speechless as you are.

Sales Manager. Sales MANAGER. Sales M-A-N-A-G-E-R.

In less than 6 months I have been offered a promotion.


And might I add (or remind those who have forgotten), I have no college education. I barely graduated high school. I only have determination. And life experience. And OCD. LOL

Of course there is a catch.

I have to stay here for another 2 years.

You see, for those People’s not on Facebook, The Child graduates high school in May. (Pick your jaw up off the floor and be comforted in knowing that we will be discussing this major life altering moment on another day, in another entry.)

Anyway, The Child graduates high school in May. We will be getting the hell out of Dodge and will move shortly after. Ohio is our goal destination but I’ve been in talks with upper management since last summer and they are more than willing to accommodate me at another property. There is only one sister property in Columbus, Oh and if they can’t get me in there, they will find a sister property that will be no more than one day driving distance to Ohio. The reason being is because The Child has been accepted into a University in Ohio and I don’t want her to have to drive more than one day to come home to us during her breaks. So I am very fortunate that my company is so willing to work with me on this.

So because we have been slowly planning our upcoming move this summer, the DOS at my property doesn’t want me to leave. Hence the “carrot on a string” she is dangling in front of me.

Y’all, I’ve been stuck in this town, this damn state, since September 2012. We were only supposed to be here 3 years, originally. Now it’s 7+ years later and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So staying is not really an option. If it was just myself, I might consider it more. But I’ve been wanting to be closer to family for so long. Having to wait another 2 more years just hurts.

And it hurts to say no to the new position. But in the grand scheme of things, I don’t think I am ready for that monumental task. I need more time, more training in the sales department to do the job any kind of justice.

Thanks to Kris, I can be happy saying no because as she told me, this affirmation of my abilities is enough.

Till next time …

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