13 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • Jan. 8, 2014, 1:56 p.m.
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I woke up at 4am needing to throw up and I ended up doing that untl 6am. I had puke up my nose. I sneezed this morning and it smelled like vomit. so damn gross.

I managed to get some broken sleep before Cannon woke up at 9.30. fortunately he actually slept well last night and only woke up once (this is not typical of him but I'm so happy he did that when I felt so crappy). he has been getting up at 5am lately. hopefully he stopped doing that!

I still feel super sick today and I can hardly eat anything. I just ate a pear but it made me really sick.

I have an OB appointment today and we get to listen to the heartbeat, so I am looking forward for that.

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