Load in meh...
- May 20, 2016, 3:17 p.m.
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Anytime I start to do anything worth while I get interrupted by the phone ringing. Good grief…
Son got his tickets and because he had super awesome attendance he got 11 tickets.
I’m starting to think I bit off more than I can chew with this party. I will know after work though. I’m planning on renting 3 lanes for 2 hours which I think will tip the scales at between $180-200. Shoe rental I’m hoping that everyone rents their own damn shoes. However, I’m thinking that I’m going to switch to 2 lanes because so far only 9 people out of 36 have responded that they will come. My people are funny acting and there are only so many that my son knows of my family and that’s my fault because I don’t take him anywhere.
So my account was over drawn so when I got paid today that came out first, plus a loan payment, and I had to pay my gas bill. It’s hard doing things by yourself when you don’t have a lot and no help. Not to mention I need to go grocery shopping AND I’m going to have my gbaby AND I want to see Obsession tomorrow night at his gig AND the Chinese Festival at work on Sunday that I invited son’s girlfriend to for her birthday this past week. Too much going on and not enough money to do it with.
Too much like pulling teeth to ask the kids father for help. I mean, he can’t even pay child support in full or on time. He sent me a lame ass text asking me about graduation in a way that seemed to suggest that just had no plans on telling him about it. How dare I not give you and opportunity to act like you had ANYTHING to do with his upbringing OR contributed to him being in school EVER. fuckwad. I can’t stand being in the same room with him. It usually results in me cracking jokes and insulting him. I’m perfectly okay with this.
Saturday I have to go to mom’s. There is a spring fling of sorts at the nursing home and grandkid loves the bouncy house. They will have hot dogs grilling and chips so we are going and going early and that will be that. I may make the son go with me too. He always goes and that’s usually because I don’t always like to run behind the baby so I make him run behind the baby. LOL....
I know. I ain’t right.
After work, I’m dropping off tickets and stopping by the bowling alley. Hope something can get worked out. Then pick up grandkid from my sister. Perhaps I’ll do that tomorrow. Tonight is the season finale of Grimm and I want to see it.
Too much to do and not enough money to do it is always my problem. smh
I’m out of here.
Kindest regards,
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