list thingy again. in The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.
- May 17, 2016, 11:25 a.m.
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[] Fired a gun
[] Been married
[] Fell in love. well.......i still am.
[] Swam in an ocean. correct me if i’m wrong here but shouldn’t it be ‘swum’?
[] Gone on a blind date
[X] Skipped school. yes actually. and i thought senior ditch day was well. i ended up celebrating it on the wrong day. i hid in the dressing room..........behind the theatre er auditorium i mean.
[X] Went to college. well i’ve gone to college i haven’t ‘went’ to college. that’s not a thing people don’t say that. well they shouldn’t anyway. the correct usage would be ‘i went to college’. not ‘i’ve’. um no.
[] Watched someone give birth. like in actuality or on tv/in the movies?
[X] Been to Canada
[X] Been to Hawaii. yes it’s beautiful there the air smells like flowers.
[X] Been to Europe. yes. ireland, london [i’ve been lucky enough to go3 times], denmark and amsterdam. i want to go to italy and japan and go back to ireland, london and amsterdam. [ok so i realise japan is in asia not europe].
[X] Been to Las Vegas. yeah it’s a cool place.
[] Been to Alaska. no but i want to go. when it’s not cold. apparently during the summer over there it can get up to 90. isn’t that the place where the days are all weird? or is that a myth? by which i mean. half the yr. people are in complete darkness. no i’m actually asking. it looks pretty there. funny story: up untill i was in college i thought hawaii and alaska were in the southern US as that’s where they are on the map. stupid inbloodyaccurate maps.
[X] Been to Washington D.C. yeah at least twice once on a school vac. it’s beautiful there. also my aunt used to live there for her job so we’d go and visit her. at least.i think that happened.
[] Been to Nashville. no but funny you should mention it since i’ve been watching nashville as of late.
[X] Visited Florida. well i used to live there so. but yes.
[X] Visited Mexico. yes twice. i remember a mango totally made my day there. and it rained. but maybe not on the mango. mangos are freakin delicious. anyway.
[] Been to South America
[] Been to Antartica
[X] Seen the Grand Canyon in person
[] Flown in a Hwlicopter
[] Been on a cruise
[] Served on a jury
[] Been in a movie - no but for a sec tthere i misread that as ‘microwave’ and so i was like god i hope not.
[] Been to Los Angeles. no but on that note it’s a bit redundant when people call them ‘the l.a. angels’
[X] Been to New York City. well my sister used to live there so.
[] Played in a band
[X] Sang karaoke
[] Made prank phone calls
[X] Laughed so much you cried
[X] Caught a snowflake on your tongue
[] Had children
[] Had a pet. well not me personally no.
[] Been sledding on big hill - i um maybe?
[] Been downhill skiing -
[] Been snowboarding -
[] Been water skiing -
[X] Rode on a motorcycle. shouldn’t it be ‘ridden’? and yes actually. on a date once.
[] Jumped out of a plane -
[] Been to a drive-in movie X -
[] Rode an elephant - again it should be ‘ridden’. and i recently learned that elephants aren’t actually meant to be ridden on.
[X] Ridden a camel. yes actually. in tunisia. they’re really uncomfortable.
[] Been on TV
[] Been in a/the newspaper
[] Stayed in a hospital. yeah when i had my surgery. that was like 10 yrs. ago. i don’t like them though not bc of that.
[] Donated blood. no i don’t think i weigh enough.
[] Thrown a pot.
[X] Painted a painting.
[] Marched in protest. omygod i misread that as ‘potato’. well if it were a really giant one then one could although i don’t know that a person would want to.
[] Taught a class
[] Built a sculpture
[] Volunteered. yeah actually at the same place twice. i’ve oly had 1 paying job.
[X] Gained weight X -
[X] Lost weight X -
[] Having a lot of fun. um no cause that’s different from ‘enjoyment’. ya know ‘fun’ is something a person seeks out i.e. ‘i hope we have fun at the movies’. and ‘enjoyment’ isn’t.
[] Gotten a piercing.
[] Gotten a tattoo.
[] Driven a stick shift vehicle. no i’ve never even driven the other kind. i don’t drive.
[] Driven over 100 mph. again i don’t drive.
[] Been scuba diving
[X] Lived on your own. yeah for 6 yrs. 2 in FL and 4 here [CO]. and i’m waiting for it to happen again. damnit.
[] Got a speeding ticket. ok again i don’t drive so no.
[] Been on a winning softball team.
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