Saturday-Mid Morning in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • May 15, 2016, 4:11 a.m.
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Very chilly morning and think we’re going to stay cool for the weekend. It is finally 50 out there which would be wonderful for working outside, however the wind is blowing and makes it feel much cooler. Brrr. I know I’m a wimp, but the wind just seems to penetrate through to my bones. Strange how I did turn on AC the other night for about 30 minutes to take the “closeness” out of the house. It didn’t take long, but it felt too something inside. Besides, it is good to check the AC before the temps outside demand some air inside.

We got dad’s new ID card taken care of yesterday and I saw my friend and several others from work. It was nice to walk back out that door and not have to go back inside the building. The boss was the typical jerk to me as his normal self with me. The secretary was bouncing up and down excited to see me out in the hall and gestured for me to come in the office and on into the boss’ office. He wouldn’t look up. Finally he did, and he’s apparently growing some chin hair. lol He’s still a jerk, with or without facial hair. I made no bones about how wonderful it was not to work there anymore and I don’t mean to rub it in, but want those eligible to retire to know that life without the stress of work is priceless. I do know that some people thrive on stress and in my younger years, I think I was one of those “type”. I didn’t create stress, but have always worked better and faster under pressure than not. Think that is a type A personality. We die young. But we work like a crazy person before we kick the bucket.

I took Dad to several places (but not the PX or Commissary) so he could look at farm equipment, paint, doors, etc. He was just about to get on my last nerve toward the end of our venture, but hey, it was all good. I should have eaten something for breakfast, as I get a little less patient when my stomach is growling and I’m getting a bit light headed. Usually he wants to go somewhere to eat when we’re out and about, but not yesterday. I finally got home around 2ish and fixed an egg sandwich. That helped with stomach noise and energy. Whew!!

Dad did get my gas weed eater started so after he left and I ate, I gave it try to start it and by golly it did. I used it for about an hour and still have more to do, but unless it warms up a bit more or I get a hot flash, it may not get done today. I wish I would have done the part that still needs done yesterday after I got it started, but I didn’t. I think I also threw poison oak all over myself using the gas weed eater. The electric weed eater doesn’t throw stuff as bad as the electric one. Lesson learned, I hope. I looked up a picture of the Jewel plant which is a wild plant that grows next to or close to the poison plants and is used for poison plant exposure. There should be Jewel plant out there as we certainly have a lot of poison ivy and oak.

I also got my jug of brush killer and “sprayed” but was so disgusted with the spray part, I finally opened the sucker’s lid and started pouring it on the poison oak. The sprayer was a joke and was only about 3 inches from the opening of the jug. Bet that was why it was marked down. Either that or it’s impossible to actually use it AND it doesn’t work. I’ll find out soon enough. I got a bit over zealous around the tree in the front by the road as it is covered in poison oak and really applied/poured/slung the killer all around it. I may have slung enough to not only kill the poison oak but the tree too. At this point I don’t really care, as it drops limbs in my roses almost every week. I’m considering having it cut down anyway since the limb dropping is very unpredictable and they’re getting bigger.

Still no word from the specialist’s office about the CPAP machine for J. I will call them on Monday and ask where this stands on getting a machine. Not sure he’ll use it, but I can’t even attempt blackmail with him, without the machine.

Dude and Dudette’s 11th wedding anniversary is today. I will give them a card and money when I see them next time. I should have given it to them last weekend, but I didn’t. I did wish them a Happy Anniversary on FB this morning.

Would like to request to those that prayer, to pray from my brother’s newest grand baby. She was born a little over 6 wks ago and was transferred to KC Children’s hospital Thursday for some issue that she has, partly because of the meds she had been getting at the previous hospital. It’s causing concern with her liver functions and she also isn’t breathing on her own, due to lung issues. She was born about 4 or 5 wks early and has been in the hospital since. Prayers for her parents and her would be appreciated.

It hasn’t warmed up and the wind is still blowing. Brrrr. BUT the sun is out and it is beautiful outside. I have some clothes on the little clothes line and the hummers are going strong so it is a great day!

Take care and God Bless

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