Lights are on but nobody's home in Stuff

  • April 26, 2016, 1:53 a.m.
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Well I had a better night’s sleep last night than the previous, that’s for sure. I avoided the Rikodine, so that’s probably why. I did crash out REALLY early though, like I think it wasn’t even 7pm and I woke up with fully clothed, under my covers (I only ever sleep in underwear or naked sometimes), the lights were still on (on full brightness, they are dimmable), fan going (because it won’t switch off because it’s fucked) and my bedroom door wide open LOL. Fuck, I must’ve been out of it! I’m sure that was an interesting sight for anyone leaving the house, as my room is right next to the front door. Geeez.
I only went for a short walk yesterday to get some Vitamin D and fresh air into me. I feel it did me a world of good and the bug in my system must’ve been shitting itself. Well I hope not literally, I certainly don’t want it doing that in there.

On my walk, I went into the IGA up the road, and I hadn’t been in there in quite a few months (at least 6 i think), and it looks much nicer than it used to. A lot more spacious and I’m pretty sure new management. It’s still very overpriced, which I guess is why I’ve rarely gone back there. It is open 6am til midnight though so the hours are good. It did used to be 24/7 however back in the day. I picked up a few things that were on special there, including some choc-mint flavoured milks. I always liked how the mint somehow cleared my airways whenever I’ve had it when I was healthy, so I opted to try it again. When I came back home, I had one, and you know what? It worked! Maybe I should add some mint spice or sauce to my meat dishes or something. I’m not really sure what it goes with though.

But yeah, that short walk must’ve exhausted me something chronic because I was out like a light (unlike my lights!)

I did watch another movie yesterday. This time it was ‘Truth” which is another Brent Corrigan movie from 2013. Normally his non-porn movies suck, but this one was quite interesting. Well, the acting was still bad, but I didn’t mind the storyline, and he threw in a couple of sex-scenes which I always appreciate. Hey, I grew up on the guy’s porn career!

The night before I watched that documentary, “Do I Sound Gay?”, which basically explores why some gay guys sound the way they do (ie. nasally, “gay” voice.) It followed one guy’s journey into finding out why he sounds like he does, via professionals and speech pathologist views and certain vowels being extended longer than normal etc etc. By the end of it, he was convinced he sounded more ‘normal’ but his friends were all like, “You sound like you always have to us.” LOL.

I’ve sometimes thought about it. My gay-voice that is. I don’t think it’s overly nasally but I do think it’s more ‘gay’ than it used to be when I lived at home. I just think it’s my surroundings. You know how you meet a little kid or a baby and you put on that childish voice sometimes? I mean, I don’t, but a lot of people do. I kind of think it’s like that. The people in your life and who you hang around. I mean, I’ll pretend to really gay it up around gay friends as a joke sometimes but I think the ‘normal’ voice probably subconsciously adapts over time.
I mean even in both my brother’s cases, they hang around complete bogan mates constantly and therefore, are bogans themselves.

Cough’s normal today, so far. I’m about ready to down my two bottles of sambuca to kill it off for good.

crunchie April 26, 2016

My cousin is gay and I remember having a conversation with his gay friend (who had a very 'stereotype gay' voice) and he was telling me how he puts it on and then proceeded to speak with a more 'normal' tone. I was shocked. My cousin however has forever spoken in a high pitched tone and I feel like that was one of the main reasons I thought he may have been gay back when we were 10... That and the fact he was always wanting to stay indoors and work on his haberdashery lol

KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ April 26, 2016

LOL, that is hilarious.

kmh. April 28, 2016

Your voice didn't sound overly gay to me when we met. My brother's partner has the ultimate gay voice lol. My brother not so much though.

AlexYourAlterEgo April 29, 2016

Gay voice fascinates me. Like, how does it develop? Do you have the voice going on before you realize you're gay? It's very interesting. I'll have to look up that documentary.

colojojo May 01, 2016

That documentary sounds interesting

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