the something tale of sweeney todd. the demon barber of.......yeah. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
Revised: 06/04/2016 9:28 p.m.
- April 16, 2016, 8:49 p.m.
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yeah saw that w/ my mom on um Wed. the the show. it was funny and the ending was the best part. cause the ending was dark i mean not cause it wasn’t a good show. yeah my sister was going to come bbut then she didn’t. The music was covered by devotchka. i thought it would be super loud which it wasn’t.
Oh, for those going to see it: there is a rape scene er’s not graphic and they’re clothed so. but yeah. [actuall i looked away at that point]. and it -the show i mean not that part - contains of course blood so if you have a weak stomach like i do well........i just feel like people should know those 2 things.
more coming!
Last updated June 04, 2016
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