Oops...! in Talk Story

  • April 20, 2016, 9:05 p.m.
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Most mornings I fix a fruit whip (smoothie) for my breakfast… I’m usually up by 6am… and inasmuch as it’s too early to start the day… I take it back to my bedroom… get back into bed… and watch the early news…

Most mornings I don’t reach for it and knock it over either…

But today… yep… reached for it… and knocked it over… most of it going onto the carpet… but some on the bed…
Milk… mango juice… banana… fresh peaches… all blended together… and now blended into the carpet…

Got it cleaned up as well as I was able… hope it doesn’t stain the bedspread…

Showered and then did a few household chores… and then off to the harbor…

I enjoyed an early lunch at the Hungry Clam (I had fried calamari and fries)… and then walked over to look at all the boats…

While I was there… I watched several harbor seals leaping to and fro… catching fish for their breakfast or lunch I suppose…

I watched a pretty good sized coast guard cutter tow in a private vessel… watched as other boats returned or left for a day’s fishing…

The sun is out… the weather is nice… and as soon as I hit save… I’m off for a hike along the ocean…

I hope that you are doing well…

Enjoy the day…

Aloha oe…

middle age pearl April 20, 2016

Uh Oh. Hope it doesn't stain your bedspread. Pre-treating may help. I used a combo of peroxide and white vinegar to get out "storage" stain. A white spot had yellowed. Anyway I did a Google search and found the ratio. You might try the Google thing before you wash it.

dream seeker April 20, 2016

One of my cats Knicks my change jar off onto my nightstand last night. I have coins all over my bedroom floor. Easier to clean up, but not as tasty as the smoothies sounds lol.

~Harmonie~ April 21, 2016

Sounds like a beautiful day....with a little bit of a rough start... Hugs,M

TruNorth April 21, 2016

The carpet could be cleaned with the hand held Little Green Machine. Its a nifty device that I use to spot clean cat puke etc.

🌻StillJustMe🌸 April 21, 2016

A hike along the beach sounds lovely.
Hope your bedspread doesn't stain.
Have a good day mr. Jim!

crystal butterfly April 23, 2016

Glad I didn't have to clean it up. But sounds like the rest of your day was might good

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