ok maybe i'll explain this in Sometimes I feel dead inside

  • Dec. 28, 2013, 5:50 a.m.
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  • Public

i had an account on another blogging site and its pretty much died. i needed somewhere else to go. so here i am. i'm still getting used to the way this thing works. so i am posting my back log of the past week that i wasn't able to post at the other location i had. i don't like it but i like posting and i don't necessarily like people in my life having to know about me. at least not in the same manner that i post, i like to think of it as a place to vent. so don't get upset when i don't get back to you or respond, i read comments i just don't like getting involved, its burned me in the past and i'd rather not have someone do that to me again. just understand i appreciate it.

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