to the tune of "no rain" in song parodies

  • April 8, 2016, 2:40 a.m.
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all I can say is that my life was pretty plain
til I got bit and felt the hunger pangs
now all I can do is just blindly lurch at you
and speak my point of view by groaning “brains”, groaning “brains”

I just want someone to say to me
“have all the neurons I can make”
you know I’d like to not have to re-die today
so get near me and I’ll have a taste

and I don’t understand why I moan all day
and I start to complain that there’s no brains
and all I can do is smell my necrotic skin bake
so I rip your fresh away and yeah it tastes so great
tastes great, tastes great, tastes great

all I can say is that my life was pretty plain
I don’t know what I can do
except eat your brains, eat your brains, eat your brains

I just want someone to say to me
“have all the neurons I can make”
you know I’d like to not have to re-die today
so get near me and I’ll have a taste

and I’ll have a taste… and I’ll have a taste… oh no no
you know I’m really gonna, really gonna eat your brains, yeah
I’m gonna eat your brains

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