Noko, Color Whore in Everyday Ramblings
- April 6, 2016, 10:14 a.m.
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As you can see it is lilac time on the flower clock out there.
I am not sure why this house is pink but I think there might be a Mary Kay cosmetics connection. There is a pink smart car that used to live here too but I haven’t seen it lately.
The large (in historical terms large, not McMansion modern large) house across the street has been empty the whole almost eight years I have lived here. Well, there is a family of starlings that live up in the eves. One of my neighbors told me last year that the woman that owned it lives at the beach now year round. She married a very popular widower in the 70’s, a working class man that had an affable nature so she inherited the house when he passed away.
She also used to own another house that I am writing about a few blocks away but deeded it over to a local business owner who is active in the politics of the neighborhood.
On Sunday as I was out and about I ran into the woman that owns the house across the street. She is lovely, an artist. She knows very little about the history of either of the houses but she did tell me that when she moved into the neighborhood there was a saw shop on the ground floor. I knew there had to have been a shop but wasn’t sure what it was.
And she confirmed to me that the place I am at now was a field with various fruit trees in the 60’s and 70’s. The big old barn was half a lot over. The kids used to all play here and she said the neighborhood was way more diverse.
I could pick her brain for hours, and she seems to be in her late 70’s so I need to do it relatively soon. She is also interested in writing the story of her family and might do it in poetry. She is the oldest of 10.
I love this stuff and wish I had more time to focus on it. Everything narrows and points to me finding an alternative source of income and getting out of toxic crazy making job land.
Oh and speaking of that, I need to go into the office shortly.
Tonight I am teaching about releasing tension in one’s neck. That should help.
And although it is hazy and the sky is full of gray glare it is dry! Yippee.
It is nothing personal but I am so sick of my raincoat…oh man.
Last updated April 06, 2016
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