On the mend? Maybe? in Stuff

  • April 2, 2016, 5:35 p.m.
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I went into work today, you know, like an idiot, because I felt better when I woke up. My sheets were covered in sweat and it was gross as, but I figured that’s probably why I felt better, so I decided to put on my uniform and scrub up a little so I didn’t look so much like a zombie.

I knew that was a mistake 5 minutes into my walk to work (it’s a 15 minute walk) and I was damn near out of breath. This has just totally drained all of my energy.
Still, stupidly, I get to work and sign on and walk out to the dock to see my workmate working away. Turns out she too had Friday and Saturday off work sick, so my work must have been SCA-REWED lol.

Anyway, I did two cages and called it quits. I was just drained of energy. Even lifting boxes to the top shelf was difficult.
The store manager was on and I just told him, ‘I’m outta here,’ and walked out. I bought a packet a chicken and garlic soup on my way out, and the pharmacy in the complex where I work was actually open! So I picked up more cough mixture (cos I’m pretty sure the stuff we have at home is out of date) and I got some of that Cold-N-Flu hot tea stuff because it listed that it helps with fever. I want this fucker gone!

Gym is definitely out of the question until I get better. It’s not like I’d be able to lift anything anyway. So the only muscles I’ll be getting will be abs due to the cough that’s decided to set itself in today (another reason I decided to go home after 1.5 hours because customers don’t need to see that).

Good news is I do feel better today than the past two days, so fingers crossed that I’m on the mend.

kmh. April 03, 2016

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, but yeah it does sound like you did too much too soon :-( I hope the cold & flu stuff helps.

fallingstars April 04, 2016

Hey Matt! I'm a secret reader of yours for a year now.

fallingstars April 04, 2016

Woops didn't mean to just leave that. Anyway, I'm a PA (not sure if they have those over there) but I'm worried you might have pneumonia! Cough, fever, shortness of breath? You sure you can't go get checked out at like an outpatient center? -concerned lurker

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