Body's falling apart in Stuff

  • March 31, 2016, 9:22 a.m.
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Does anyone ever go to stretch their foot (ie- toe toward heel) and end up with the most excruciating cramp ever?
You’d think I’d have learned by now :/
It’s funny trying to uncramp it though cos my foots all seized up and I’m wringing my way down there to massage it back into place.
Man, anyone would think I’m 72, not 32.

This whole entry is me whinging lol. I’m in bed on my phone because I don’t want to open my laptop up again so late and it’s past midnight and my alarm is set for 4am so that I go to the gym before work.
HA! At least that’s the plan.
I can predict my future of hitting ‘Snooze’ twice and throwing my phone across the room cos I’ll be like a zombie.

My mouth is still hurting on the right side where the needle numbed me yesterday. I guess it hasn’t even been 48 hours. It’s just the bruising annoying me.

Oh, and I’m getting sick. I’m coughing at times and I can just feel it trying to set-in to make me miserable. That annoying almost closing-of-the-throat feeling at the top of the oesophagus… Ergh. If I were a farm animal you’d take me out the back and shoot me.

I’ve been trying the usual tricks to keep it at bay, such as garlic meals and OJ for vitamin C but this one’s putting up a fight.
The worst thing is that I start work at 6:30am, so there’s no-one to ring in sick to. I have to try and predict that I will be sick, and inform the night team whilst they are still there.

I figure if I’m too bad at work, I’ll rock up briefly and just go home again. I never, ever take sick days so if this bug grabs a hold of me, it’d have to be a doozy. Just don’t wanna jinx myself.

I don’t know how I got it. I haven’t been at work until today so it wasn’t a customer. I don’t think my housemates are sick.
I did however clean a lot downstairs on Monday, so I’m thinking all those dust particles and probably cat-hair from my housemates cat may have potentially brought this bastard on.

I just gotta keep eating healthy to shake this off. The three hours sleep tonight probably won’t help.

Last updated March 31, 2016

whowhatwhere March 31, 2016

You are way too young to be falling apart.
Do you drink 1/2 your body eight in Oz of water a day? Water makes a huge difference with how you feel.

KissOfLife! whowhatwhere ⋅ April 01, 2016

I do actually :) I started putting lemon slices in my water a few months ago too, but that's only the water at home.

kmh. April 01, 2016

Oh god, I haaaate that foot cramp thing!

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