Hang on in Every day scata

  • April 9, 2016, 7:23 p.m.
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I fell today. I fell fucking hard.

See, these Born Again Christians stop by every once in a while, and they did today. Well, Skittles and Tyson were outside. I went tearing outside screaming “Don’t get out of the car! He WILL bite you!” meaning Tyson. He was going nutso and the stupid lady was lucky she didn’t get bit because she took her sweet ass time getting back in the car.

Then she calls me over to the fucking car, dogs going ballistic to talk scripture with me. WHAT THE FUCK LADY! You almost got your face chewed off!!!

So They finally went to leave. Tyson was chewing on the car. I was trying to round him up but he was not listening to me. I guess he doesn’t like them either. So I grabbed for his collar, got a hold, he kept going and I just went straight down.

Mind you, I already have a shitty back, which now hurts tenfold. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder, fucked up my left hand, pulled something in my right shin and ankle.

If I hurt this bad now, I don’t wanna think about how bad I’m going to hurt tomorrow.

Maybe I just won’t get out of bed.

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