I need some help. in Every day scata

  • March 24, 2016, 2:44 p.m.
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  • Public

I understand that people are tired of me having to lean on them so hard. I don’t know what else to do. If something doesn’t happen soon, I’ll be out on the streets.

gofundme for medical bills

Noodlebugs! March 24, 2016

maybe this will help you..i saw it on tv this morning. Blinkhealth.com is a new app to save you money on prescriptions. Worth a try. Good luck!

Gilraent Noodlebugs! ⋅ March 25, 2016

Awesome! thank you!

Deleted user March 24, 2016

I am in dent up to my eye balls, and I have a baby coming in 12 weeks. I would never beg online. Who even know if you're telling the truth?

I don't know why this is allowed on here.

Gilraent Deleted user ⋅ March 25, 2016

I am thankful that my pharmacist does that sometimes. Not all the time, which I totally understand but say, with my Cymbalta. The copay (damn deductables) was over 100 bucks, so I turned it down. I went out to my car and cried.
She saw me, and said that she could give it to me for 40. I was never so happy in my life.
Then of course I went shopping for it online, and found I could get it cheaper through health warehouse without going through my insurance. I've switched a few of my meds over, but my biggest worry is the Saphris. It costs about 600? I think? I hoarded my meds for a month or two so I wouldn't have to get it, but it's starting to creep up on me and I'm scared to death to see what the copay will be... if they even cover it at all.

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