Gentleman, Please! in Everyday Ramblings
- March 18, 2016, 9:29 p.m.
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The other day on the bus I saw a fairly burly guy wearing loose beige cargo shorts with what looked like black long john leggings underneath and short hiking boots. Really? I know you want to be comfortable and all but…
Then a few days later I saw a young man on a bike with loose madras patterned shorts on with bike tights underneath. And then…I saw two more guys with loose madras shorts on with either bike tights or long johns underneath.
Seriously? Is this some cultural phenomenon? Please please tell me it is not.
Because even though I am basically an old lady I still know what looks good on a guy and I assure you this is not it.
I suppose this is better than the couple that got on the bus late one Sunday morning a few weeks ago literally in their pajamas. They had Starbucks cups in hand. If they can afford Starbucks they can afford the cheap version of Uber, k?
When I was seven and we went downtown, we wore dresses and short white gloves.
On the bus.
Of course back then there were men that stood at the major connecting bus stops with aprons full of change so you could have your exact fare, which must have been a nickel.
Now you pay by flashing your phone at the driver. (Well I don’t because I have a heavily subsidized sticker from work on my security badge so I display that at him or her. The sticker has iridescent shards in it to make it sparkle in a unique way when you show it.
I walked to the church last night for the Bhagavad Gita class. As I am the steward I got there a little early and our teacher was there wearing a long olive green Yoga Kurta to his knees, slim dark slacks and brightly colored tie-dyed toe socks and flip-flops. He is approximately my age with brown gray hair and a Sam Elliott aspect.
He is a retired firefighter, pianist and a very knowledgeable subject matter expect on the Gita. He has been studying it for about 40 years and has written a couple of books on it.
He is a terrible teacher…
Drat! He’s smart and clearly is extremely fond of the material and the more radical aspects of it but… during the break my friend F. said to me “I can’t understand anything he is saying!” We had about 15 people. My guess is that we will have less than half of that next week. It is only three more weeks and I can actually focus on the material in the text and ignore him but still it is so sad because they are a wonderful curious very very smart class.
And I am assuming he wanted to add a hippy whimsical let’s not take this too seriously the protagonist gets high on some mystery substance and sees the Oneness of All in the middle of the story note by wearing those socks…but they just annoyed me.
Granted I ended up having to wait over an hour to see the dentist and was already primed to be annoyed and it was a crazy busy day with Saint Joe gone at work and all but…
I wouldn’t have cared what he was wearing if he was a good teacher.
It is mostly overcast today but it is dry and I took this picture just about an hour ago wandering around trying to capture what I can of spring before the rains return on Sunday.
Even though I ended up working four extra hours earlier in the week so I could have today off without doing too much damage I love having the time off!
The leaves are budding and unfurling and the tulips are almost ready to bloom.
Happy Happy Equinox!
(I won’t mention that mowhawk haircuts seem to be trending back in for men too, you didn’t hear it here…)
Last updated March 18, 2016
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