I renamed myself... in These titles mean nothing.
- Dec. 30, 2013, 7:04 a.m.
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- Public
.. the other day.
Now I'm woman in the moon which is what I was/am at the other place.
I had wanted to be different here - yet I wanted to be the same too. I had called myself witm here but ....
I guess I'm woman in the moon here too.
Itty news:
- I got pretty purple black and gray knitted slippers from my daughterinlaw Deb.
- I got a very sweet little Mr. Coffee coffee maker from my sisterinlaw Joana. Now I just need to find a way to integrate coffee into my addictive personality.
- I have wood in the basement - not a lot but some and it's good burning wood..
- It's a beautiful cold morning here. Sun is lighting the orchard pines as I write.
- I am enjoying being employed but not working - if that makes any sense. I go back to work next year - the 2nd and 3rd.
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RoseS ⋅ December 30, 2013
Welcome! I think this is a good idea and I may follow your lead. Looking forward to another year of writing.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 01, 2014
I didn't notice the name change. It's good...your old friends will be able to find you more easily.
I got books...books, books, books...and a painting. And a Keurig coffee maker.