Bat out of hell in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Dec. 22, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
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So there I was, an hour and a half after getting off work. The bleachers will filling up with parents, grandparents, siblings and anyone else who enjoyed watching a bunch of 8 to 12 year old girls play basketball. I always sit on the bottom row, as close to the basket so that The Child can see me, see me cheering her on. This morning I finally remembered to bring my big camera. I'd only forgotten the past 6 Saturdays lol.

Half time came and the score was 4 - 4. The Child's team was 1 - 5 for the season. They were playing a team that was 6 - 0. Doomed from the start? Well of course! lol But that's what happens in tournaments. Even though they weren't scoring, they were putting up one hell of a fight and preventing the other team from scoring.

It was about 3 minutes into the 3rd period, I'm trying to get a good shot of our team trying to score. In my view finder I see The Child start to fall. And just that quick, I set my camera down gently, shot up out of my seat and was in a full run, down center court to the opposite end of the court before she hit the floor. I forgot I could run that fast. But that's what motherhood can and will do to a person.

I should also mention that I am fat. Fat girls don't run, or at least this fat girl. I'll jog. But not run. It's not a pretty sight, nor sound to hear, a fat girl like myself run. At half court, everyone was already starting to circle around her. The ref's, the opposing team's coach, everyone was right there for her. She of course was holding her arm and crying her heart out when I got to her. My daughter, bless her heart, is a first class drama queen. Give her the first millimeter of attention and she runs with it to her heart's content for miles and miles. My main concern was getting her off the floor, out of the lime light, so that I could properly asses her arm. I got her calmed and her coach and I got her off the floor. When she stood up, everyone in the bleachers, in the gym, clapped for her. She would later ask why everyone was so happy she got hurt. (Bless her little heart! lol) I told her that they weren't clapping she got hurt, but that they were clapping because she wasn't badly hurt and was able to get up and walk off the court. They were HAPPY she was okay enough to do that. She finally understood then.

So anyway, as we were coming off the court, Hubby was headed towards us. He took over with her (which is always a mistake because he feeds her drama. He doesn't know how to deal with her being hurt.) and I went to go get some ice. When I got to the front desk, they already had heard about her & were already getting the ice ready. So I get back to her, and look her arm over. I get her to slow the sobbing so she can talk and I was finally able to asses that nothing was broken. Thank God!

Long story short, her wrist is at worst sprained. She was smart enough to think quick enough to use her arm to break her fall, otherwise she would have hit her head hard.

They lost the game, 20 - 14. We weren't expecting them to win anyway. But they still had to play one more game for 3rd/4th place. Since she was not badly hurt, we made her stay, sit with her team so that she could support her team since they were having to work harder now that they were down 1 girl. They only had 7 there for the game. So that meant they could only switch 1 girl out now instead of 2. Us staying fed her "drama fuel" also and got it out of her system so I wouldn't have to deal with the drama at home.

Since they lost, they had to stay for the next game. During that time, I drove home (a whole 1.2 miles) and got her some Motrin and my brace that I use for my carpal tunnel when it acts up. Back at the Y, I took her into the bathroom & gave her the Motrin and then had a serious talk with her. I got her to "work with me" in helping to determine how serious it was hurt (at that time I knew it wasn't broke because there was no swelling or bruising) but I needed to make sure there wasn't the possibility of a hairline fracture or something. I have to admit, she did good and after we were done, I then explained (burst her bubble) that all was well and would be fine in a couple of days. So I put the brace on, further fed her drama by wrapping an Ace wrap over the brace and sent her back to sit with her team.

The team ended up winning the 2nd game, making them 3rd place over all. Which, for a team with a record of 1 -5, that is pretty darn good!! But when there are only 4 teams total ... well ... yeah, they came in 3rd LOL.

When we got home, she was trying to pull the "I can't shower because the spray will hurt my wrist, I can't dress myself, can you open my water bottle" crap. I gave her one of my looks and said, "Child, I know better. You aren't helpless. I know you can move your hand because I was watching you move it all around when you were sitting on the sidelines, so don't even try it." She got her shower lol.

I finally passed out around 1 and slept like the dead till 8:30. My body hasn't slept that soundly in many, many months. It felt good.

Of course I woke up to 4+ inches of snow on the ground. But that was fine because they were predicting 6 - 8 inches. Would have been nice if Hubby had cleared the drive way though. We get an inch and he's blowing up my text messages to clear the drive way for him to come home from work. Me? Oh no, you can drive through 4+ inches. I don't want to hear him bitch when the driveway is a sheet of ice.

Tami approached me this morning saying the word through the grapevine was that they were fixing to lose a night auditor. She said she confronted Shelia & she said it wasn't her. So I looked at Tami and said, "I told you the other day that if what I am asking for is too much, then I will leave a) to keep the peace and b) I can't work for people who can't respect me and my needs the same as they do everyone else." So then she asked which would be more important, having 1 weekend a month off or an extra day of work each week. So I replied back with. "Family is more important so every other weekend off is what I prefer over an extra day of work. Granted, there is a way to give me both, but if you feel you can't do that for me, then I'll take every other weekend off." (Notice how she said 1 weekend a month & I threw in 2? lol) So, we'll see what's what after the New Year. I'm not holding my breath. I'd really have loved to be gone by now so that Shelia would be stuck working her Christmas night. Technically, I could still quit. But I won't because I can't afford it. I'm not about to mar my work history. She is not worth that.

Till next time ....

And in case I don't make it back here before ...


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