Gay cannibalism sex in Adventures in paradise

  • Feb. 27, 2016, 2:14 p.m.
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I went and saw the final of my three films I purchased to this year’s Queer Film Festival tonight.
This time it was a film called “Everlasting Love.”

It centered around guys cruising around gay beats (forests in this case) and an older man gets it on with a young man, who also happens to be his student in a class he teaches at school lol.
It’s kind of predictable for a while there and man there are some full on gay sex scene in that film. MAN they did well haha. And they went on for ages. The camera-work was a bit sloppy at times but it had a bit of a plot so wasn’t too bad.

But within the last half an hour of the film or so, or even the last 15 minutes of the film there is a sudden plot twist and the film ends and I’m sitting there scratching my head.

Suddenly the young guy and all his friends turned into cannibals and ATE the old man.

They just knocked him out, chained him up and ate him alive lol.

LOL. Ok then. Hope I can sleep tonight now.

Last updated February 27, 2016

fjäril February 27, 2016

seems awfully late in the movie to have such a drastic turn

kmh. February 29, 2016

That's extreme!

~Octopussy~ March 01, 2016


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