February 28, 2016 Another Lazy Day in February 2016
- Feb. 28, 2016, 5:57 p.m.
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Sunday at 8:40 and I am still in my pajamas. I LOVE being retired! I fell asleep about 11-ish and woke at 6 AM so a good seven hours which the usual time I sleep. I really don’t have any plans for the day so we shall see what happens.
On television, my RoKu is showing the second season of Ripper Street and I am enjoying it. As soon as I am finished here, I will take a quick shower and wear some daytime clothes. Yesterday I spent a lot of time on the bed reading and napping but, again, as I did sleep well last night, I must have needed it. More later…
Well, here it is almost 6 PM and I put this in Draft and promptly forgot about it! I haven’t done anything wildly exciting today, just more reading and a bit of tidying up. I am beginning to feel really guilty about all the time I am wasting when there really are things to be done.
Tomorrow, I will do better tomorrow!
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