February 20, 2016. Thoughts in February 2016
- Feb. 20, 2016, 10:33 a.m.
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I was in bed by 10 PM and was asleep before 11 PM last night. {I know this because there is a light right by the door in my bedroom which comes on at 6 PM and goes out at 11 PM and I didn’t see it turn off!} I slept very well until I woke at 6:30. So, that was over seven hours. I also had a dream about teaching in high school and the lesson was going very well. I mention this because usually when I dream of teaching these days it is an anxiety dream that I am unprepared for class! So, I woke up this morning feeling pretty good!
I didn’t go get groceries yesterday even though I am in need of a lot of things. I just didn’t do it although I kept telling myself to get out. The big thing about being retired is that pretty well anything that needs to be done can be done tomorrow! But I know I am definitely going to get them today partly because I have energy but also because I have just refilled two subscriptions one of which keeps diarrhea at bay and that is important. And, today or tomorrow I have to send copies of my driver’s license and my current insurance via email to the dealership so they can provide me with a Smart car to replace mine which goes into the shop to have the back deck fixed. You may remember that the glass part will close but not lock. I am apprehensive about how much this will cost but it is a repair that has to be done.
Television, well, actually Netflix on television. I have finished “Revolution” and today started “Ripper Street.” I had watched it before but it had more episodes added to it so I am watching from the beginning again. I don’t know the date it is set in but it is definitely Victorian and because it is also BBC, the costuming and settings are excellent. I went through a couple of months last year where I was interested in everything Victorian–I even went a far as buying a couple of dead-tree books instead of getting the books as ebooks. I think I will drag these books out of the bookshelves and look at the photographs during the time I am watching the series.
The temperature right now is 59 degrees. The high today is supposed to be 48????
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