Can't keep putting this off in Stuff

  • Feb. 17, 2016, 12:06 p.m.
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I’m in bed typing on my phone, as I now have an early shift tomorrow instead of a late one, because my manager is away.
In a way it’s good cos I’ll be home earlier and won’t be rushed to scoff down dinner and hit the hay as I usually am on Thursday nights, but it’s gonna suck too cos ‘Lasy-ass’ (grocery manager) is gonna be on as well. Ergh. People with work ethics like hers drive me fucking batty. But anyway, I sound like a broken record by now.

I’ve booked in for the newish dentist after my shorter shift on Friday. A flyer came in the mail for it and it looks nice each time I walk past it, plus I have a gap in my teeth that has been driving me crazy and making me uncomfortable, more noticeably over the past two weeks. I’m not sure if the tooth has broken or if a filling has come out, but good keeps getting stuck in there and I’ll go to eat other food later and it’ll press down on that good, causing me pain, which leads me to think it may be infected because I’ve left it too long :(

I hate the dentist. I really do. Ever since that one dentist made me cry, and gave no shits how much pain I was in, AND having to fork out extortionate money for his shitty services at the time, it was a double-whammy.
I’m worried about that at this dentist too. The money part because it’s a new practice in a snazzy building in my suburb, so yeah, I guess I’ll see.
I shop around on heaps of different websites for which dentists can sell themselves better, since I hate going so much (typical male in that sense). But they seem nice and it’ll be a female dentist, they had an easy online booking system so I didn’t have to physically ring up and talk to anybody, and I want this pain gone for good.
I’ve managed to floss out the stuck food each time, and I hope it’s a quick-fix, but with the pain associated, I’m worried it may be a root-canal job. I hope not.
I do like how this place advertises using numbing wands instead of needles. Seeing that needle being inserted in my mouth is never a pleasant experience whilst I brace for the painful pinch. I do hope the wand is a much better experience.

Unfortunately I no longer have health insurance (I decided it’s far too expensive these days for a direct debit for me) nor a health-care card ( as I now earn over the threshold amount), and Medicare is useless with dental, so this will more-than likely be an expensive appointment on Friday.

I really, really wish dental was covered by the Australian government or even gapped with Medicare (like it is with doctors), because it really can be a killer for a lot of low-income earners.

Wish me luck I guess. I’d love to be able to eat normally again.

cazoob February 17, 2016

I just got a reminder to go back for a dental check up. They cause nothing but pain so I'm too scared! Good luck!

~Octopussy~ February 17, 2016

OMG, I'm terrified of dentists. When I was a child, I bit one so hard I broke through his gloves and skin. It was the first time I tasted blood. I'll never forget it.

I hope things go okay, and I hope you get sorted whatever needs to get sorted so you don't have to write on your phone again, lol.

aussie_powers February 18, 2016

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