and the waitress was practicing politics. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
Revised: 07/19/2018 3:13 a.m.
- Feb. 17, 2016, 7:13 a.m.
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- Public
ok so i.don’t follow politics hell i’m not even registered to vote. i should be though so that way i at least have the option of.doing so. but anyway I bring this up bc recently my mom i watched the debate thingy on PBS it was interesting. I like/d Hilary cause she seems more relate-able and attainable.reachable. and she has experience cause as we all know her husband was the president in the ‘90’s. it’s like w/ drs. The gender isn’t a big thing it’s which is the best dr. however w/ that sad some people prefer guy drs. and some don’t. i personally prefer a lady dr. yes guy drs. know about our.......down there but they haven’t experienced like.having their periods. my drs. great. not that i go a lot or like ever but still like her.
you can see how much i don’t follow politics by this entry. However I don’t like Donald Trump he seems like an idiot. he seems just so.loud and i don’t like that. and honestly unless it’s for legal reasons i don’t think anyone er. ok what i’m trying to get at is.........[but clearly not succeeding] it doesn’t matter what race/religion/other you are when you enter this country. doesn’t to me i’m.pretty accepting. long as you treat people right. and that goes for anyone. and sometimes people don’t i’ve.done things i’m not proud of. i don’t think a dislike of a particular religion/race/other should be the reason people aren’t allowed in this country.
Last updated July 19, 2018
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