2/17 in 2016

  • Feb. 17, 2016, 3:59 p.m.
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i’m in the middle of the 6th week of the semester and i’m exhausted. i can barely get up in the mornings and i usually fall asleep fairly early during the week. i think it’s because i never get the rest i need on the weekends. i stay out late with amanda and cole but then get up early for work. i spend all of my weekdays in class or at internships and i barely have the energy or brain function to do homework.

i’ve never been a fan of valentine’s day. i worked with cole (and an older woman) on sunday and he bought both of us some candy. after work, cole and i went out to dinner (to a pretty nice restaurant, too) and saw a movie and he paid for both even though i really tried to pay for my own. we were surrounded couples who were holding hands or cuddling in the movie theater. i even tried the cheesy “put your hand out next to his” move just to see if he would take the bait but of course he didn’t. he held onto me in the parking lot to make sure i didn’t fall because of the icy parking lot, and he cleaned the snow off my car for me. he even offered to drive me home. i’m sure to outsiders it looks like we are dating. but internally i sort of feel like i wanna die because we aren’t even close to dating.

then monday evening i skipped class and invited cole out to a movie, which is weird because i almost never make plans with someone first. we saw deadpool and then we just sat in my apartment and talked for awhile. we made plans to go out to the bars this saturday since he got a fake ID. i invited bailey to come, too. it should be interesting. i definitely need a night out.

but of course amanda got angry, because she wanted the both of us to have a movie night with her. but cole and i both agreed that we are a little tired of our usual routine when we hang out - which consists of driving around, seeing a movie, drinking milkshakes or going out to eat, and walking around walmart/the mall. admittedly there isn’t much to do in our area and since they are both only 18 we don’t ever drink. amanda doesn’t even drink alcohol and of course she’s invited to come with us on saturday, but she would never agree to it.

both of my internships are going well even though it doesn’t feel as if school is. i absolutely hate my monday night class. the professor rambles on and on about obscure stuff and expects us to understand it. my other class isn’t terrible but since it’s for my minor, everyone in there is already best friends and i definitely feel left out. it wouldn’t be the first time but damn. most of them are so stuck up that i don’t feel comfortable striking up a conversation with any of them at all.

is it spring break yet?

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