February 9, 2016. The Day after Visit to Doctor. in February 2016
- Feb. 9, 2016, 10:43 a.m.
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I have been thinking about what brought on this latest, and, thank goodness, very short episode with diarrhea. I am hoping it is not the applesauce I made but I am thinking that it was more probably the fact that within a period of three days I ate canned peaches and canned mandarine oranges.
Today I am going across the road to Staples to leave another pressure cooking recipe book to be spiral bound. This one is The Great Big Pressure Cooker Book by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarborough. It has 500 recipes and, the part I like best is that they give cooking information for both the stove-top pressure cooker AND the electric cooker. It is interesting to compare the two and, I have noticed, has given me the some of the ability to do this myself! My two favorite books that I use the most are the two by Bob Warden which are very down-to-earth and the kind where you don’t have to go out and buy one spice that you will never use again! {The recipe that needs rosemary comes from the book I am going to have spiral bound today, the fat one!} One of the things I am learning from this book is how to substitute ingredients!
I really don’t have any specific plans for today apart from going over the road to Staples. I guess I will see just see how the day goes. I noticed this morning that I was achier than I usually am in the mornings these days and I am attributing it to tension about seeing the doctor. It is not that I was notably worried about going but at my age I guess it is normal to feel a little apprehension about this which, come to think of it was probably why my blood pressure reading was so high when I first had it done. Dr. S. took it again later after we had chatted again and it had dropped considerably.
Before I decided that it wasn’t necessary for me to do talk therapy, you may remember that Jake was going to drive me out there on Saturday so I would be somewhat familiar with the route and then take him for lunch. Well, since I am now not going, I sent him email suggesting we order Pizza Hut pizza at my apartment! When he was in school and I was teaching, on the first day after my monthly payday, we would order Pizza Hut pizza, and pig out! We always ordered enough that we could have cold pizza the next morning for breakfast. So, since I have been living here in NC we have been doing this occasionally and, at my expense, we will be doing it again this weekend. And, yes, we will be ordering enough so that we can both have cold pizza for breakfast the next morning.
Ok, time to get on with the day. I slept very well last night and didn’t even hear my phone at 8 AM. When I got up finally, it was 9: 30 so now at 10:30 I am sitting here in my PJs. Time get a shower and change into daytime clothes!
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