again. i'm not 2. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
Revised: 11/05/2016 9:07 p.m.
- Feb. 6, 2016, 4:32 a.m.
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sorry. now usually i don’t blog about things that bother me. well the main thing that bothered me before i moved was stephanie, so. after i moved that stopped happening as much. but this...............omfg.
ok so this happened last night. So the bus came and of course it drove the wrong way and then had to turn around to drive the right way to get to my mom’s house. [not a big thing but it still bothers me]. ok so in between where it’s parked and my mom’s house there’s a ft. of snow. not a big thing. but the stupid bus driver tells me ‘let me take one of your bags’ as she’s getting off the bus to help me and I’m like ‘no’. well except for evan and evidently my sister when people have my bags it makes me nervous. also i don’t want to forget them. And then she’s ‘you sure that looks heavy’. um.............thanks. there’s some sort of implication there that I’m not able to carry them myself.Ii know i’m small but i’m able to lift a 50 lb. suitcase so..........yeah. if i want help i will fukin ask. godamn. if I told you ‘no’ once then don’t ask again. and i told her ‘i got it’. it’s like you’re not even fukin listening to me. oh and then once i’m on the bus she asks if i want her to hang my bags up. ok and by this point it’s like omygod just stop asking questions.and so then. she’s all surprised that I’m as independent and self sufficient as I am. um you act like this is news. no need to talk down to me. That’s one thing I don’t like about the bus service is they talk down to people like me. i don’t know that i’d be able to um switch services so at some point i’ll talk to Milton and see if he can have them that anymore. like ii’m not 2. i’m 28 godamn yrs. old. oh and........ and this bothers me when anyone does it she mispronounced my name. People see the ‘e’ on the end of it [btw my name’s ‘Anne’ said ‘Ann’] and they assume that’s how it’s said. um no. well it bothered me before i was raped but............even moreso after. yeah my, last raipst mispronounced my name so. whenever people mispronounce it I always right away correct them and then don’t say anything more about it.
i was so damn glad to get off the bus last night holy crap.
Last updated November 05, 2016
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