Devil Devil in Every day scata

  • Feb. 3, 2016, 11:12 a.m.
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Do not piss me off. I am not a nice person when I get pissed off. Next time I WILL break your door off the hinges. I may be small, but I am mighty.
. Never in my entire life have I wanted a cigarette so bad. When I was checking out at the grocery store I was so fucking tempted to get a pack. But I like to breathe. Breathing is nice, and trust me, I need to do a LOT of deep breathing so I don’t start screaming.
I bit my tongue. I’ve been biting my tongue a lot lately. Next time someone gets on my bad side, I’m not going to do it. Screw it. I don’t care if you think I’m a sad, needy, bitch. You can go to fucking hell.
This is not directed to ANYONE here. This is directed to everyone else that is pissing me off. I’m writing off a lot of people.
See, I called the pharm yesterday for one of my prescriptions, told them I’d be there today to pick it up.
The fuckers never ran it through, so when I walked in I found out that it needed a PA. Now why the FUCK didn’t they run it through yesterday? why the FUCK didn’t they let me know about the PA? I have to travel 10 miles out of my god damn way to pick up my scrips. I really try to keep my shopping local, but this is just about the last straw. I think I’m going to go through my insurance from now on. Screw this shit. I don’t have time for it.
When Thuy (the pharmacist) said “sorry about that” I slammed the door open so hard I’m surprised it didn’t bust. I might be small, but I am mighty, and when I’m that pissed off I can do some serious damage.
My moods are all over the damn place. I would call my shrink but I can’t risk her putting me on a 72 hour hold. I don’t have a therapist anymore because the one I had didn’t do a damn bit of good.
So I go to my bipolar group, I come here. I drink copious amounts of coffee (because I can’t drink copious amounts of wine like I used to)
I reeeeely want a cigarette. I don’t have any, and I won’t make another trip to the store, but dammit I want one.
I need more coffee. dammit.

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