Prosebox, now with AUTOSAVE HAPPINESS! in Site Updates

  • Dec. 18, 2013, 8:41 a.m.
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OK, I must admit that I'm pretty excited about this one...

Prosebox entry and book forms now have autosave! YES! I removed the little warning box that pops up if you accidentally leave the page without saving, because now you are covered. Just return to the Write Entry page, and voila! Right where you left off. No muss, no fuss.

So if you want to leave and come back, without even saving a draft, life is good. If your browser crashes, you're good. Computer crashes and your whole hard drive doesn't melt down, you're still good.

That's the idea, anyway.

One concern I still have is people complaining about being logged off in the middle of their session and bouncing back to the login screen. In that case, this may not work. Otherwise, this should be a really nice safety net.


(should work with all modern browsers, pretty much anything IE8 or beyond - oh yeah and you need Javascript enabled, but you need that for other site functionality as well)

EDIT - Just caught and fixed a bug where editing entries was screwed up by this update. Should hopefully be good now.

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