Two hours for a root? in Adventures in paradise
- Feb. 7, 2016, 4:19 p.m.
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I’m sitting naked on my bed, as I do. I often dream about being able to do this all around the house in my own place one day. I mean, I don’t think my current housemates would even mind that much if I did so. I’ve just never really been much of a naturalist. Andrew would totally be up for it though. Thankfully he wears pants around the house when he’s home. I’m not sure I could handle that haha.
I had to manually ‘prune’ tonight. Trim the hedges, so to speak. Hence why I’m still naked. I’m lucky in the way that I barely have any body hair, but as for the nether-regions, well that’s another story. I do like to keep it neat and trim, and the garden grows out of control far too often for my liking.
I had this pretty cool body groomer tool thingy that I used to use quite effectively, but for whatever reason, it’s just stopped working whenever I re-attach the cutting blades. It works whilst they are off, but not when they are on, and a fat ton of good that’s gonna do me.
So I did some research on which ones are quite good and I COULD invest in one of the ones that are a couple of hundred bucks from the Shaver shop, or I could just fork out the $30 again like I did for this one (RIP groomer, you were good to me). I did find one on the Myer website that is $60 which I have my eye one, but I made the mistake of reading the reviews and although most were a positive experience, there was one negative one which made me go ‘Hmmmm.... Mmmmmm…‘
Why the hell are we as humans always focused on the negative!?
Granted, he did say that he’d dropped it in the shower and one of the teeth of the blade had snapped off, and apparently you can’t just buy a replacement-head - you gotta buy the whole damn thing again. To me that makes sense, as I can’t really see there being much of a market just for the replacement heads and most people would probably be willing to fork out the $60 again for a newbie.
This one’s rechargeable also, which is a step up from the battery operated one I was using.
But yes, in the meantime, I had to go old-school and was carefully using a pair of scissors around down there. And there’s only so much contouring I can do with a pair of straight metals blades slicing down around the jewels.
I was thinking to myself in the shower that I didn’t quite fancy a visit to the ER on the first day of my weekend to reattach one of my balls that I’d accidentally sliced off. Makes me wince even thinking about it.
But, anyway, at least it looks slightly more presentable now :D In a way, it’s more natural because I can’t reach as much hair. Sometimes with the groomers, I can take off a little too much hair and I’ll look pre-pubescent or it’ll look patchy. At least it’s rather even with the scissors, although I ain’t game to go too close to the two-vege with that, and would much rather the groomer back.
I can sort of justify forking out a few hundred bucks for something that I will use quite often over the course of my life (like my bed I’ve had for years now, although that was a few GRAND), but what if I drop it (much like Mr. Negative in the shower)? Maybe I should just give this $60 one a go. I’ll bring Vish so he can get the Myer One points too, since I barely shop at Myer enough to justify getting one of those.
The loyalty system at my work is pretty shithouse, but it’s saved me about $40 so far cos it adds up working there, but I don’t think it’ll be very popular with the shopping public.
Ryan surprised me yesterday by saying he’s going to be in Queensland next week, and asked if I can catch up (ie. fuck him). I originally thought he meant Brisbane but turns out he’ll be on the Gold Coast, and he asked me how long it’d take me to get there. I told him about 2 hours, because, realistically, yes driving is 40 minutes, but public transport plus the connection from train to bus and Gold Coast buses being pretty useless in my experience, it was easier to just say 2 hours (and hour and a half if the timing is right and buses show up). I then had to laugh as I realised that his flight up would be shorter than my train ride down to meet him in the same damn state haha.
I suggested dinner Wednesday night, as I can do that, but of course he’s busy with clients that night. I told him, “Great, you’ll be smashed by the time I even get there.”
He wants me to stay the night, but I have work the next day at 11am back in Brisbane. I mean, it’s totally doable but it’d mean an early morning rise to get back home, throw on the uniform and probably rush to work, which I know would happen because Ryan would keep me up half the night riding me.
He asked me (as he always does) when I last had sex. I told him, “November” (which is true) and he was like, “WHAT!?” I said that I’d just been wanking and that I didn’t need to be ridden like a cowboy every 10 minutes like he does. These are the extent of our conversations.
So of course he was like, “You need this as much as I do.”
He’s an interesting one. We’ve been friends for like 12 years or so now but I guess ‘friends with benefits’ for about 4 of those. If we lived in the same city we’d probably be semi-regulars but we don’t. I truly don’t like the fact that he seems treats me more like a piece of meat these days than he does my friend, but then again, when we hang out, we’re like we’ve always been since we first met. It’s just he’s since discovered (after a few boyfriends) how hung I am, and prefers me to fuck him when I visit, even though I remind him he lives in fucking SYDNEY which is gay central. Of course he has sex, and in response to me asking him the same question, he says he’s had sex with two guys since we last fucked, and he likes the fact that I don’t fuck that often, which (and I know this sounds bad) in his eyes I guess suggests that I’m less likely to have an STI. He always asks me when I last got tested etc. I know I’m due for one, even though I didn’t fuck anyone in Europe, I sure did a lot of other stuff.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on ‘Truvada’ these days. This is a thing now. I will probably ask him.
Thank fuck work is over this week. It was kind of a weird week with the new manager and so, so much wrong with the inventory counts that it was driving me crazy. I had to just leave right on the dot of my shift finishing today, and I went to the gym and sat in the shower room for a while up there checking my Grindr, and I saw that one of the guys I stalk had changed his profile pic to a REALLY FUCKING HOT PHOTO and I couldn’t help myself :P Anyhoo, you didn’t need to know that haha. I did a short workout, just a 5 minute run and three sets of 100kg chest-press. That was enough for me. I went back downstairs to my work to grab some supplies and my workmate who I’d just been working alongside didn’t recognise me in my gym gear haha. I guess my work clothes must be pretty baggy and lame because she was like, “Lookin’ muscly there Matt!” Then as I was leaving she jokes, “Are you sure you’re gay?”
I was like, “Awwwwww!” to her haha. Such a sweet thing to say.
Last updated February 08, 2016
kmh. ⋅ February 08, 2016
What is Truvada? I'm asking you rather than Googling lol, I feel like that is the safer option!
KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ February 08, 2016
It's a HIV prevention drug for HIV Negative people that has a curent 100% success rate (well 99.9 for legal reasons lol). It's not technically available in Australia yet but can be ordered from South African pharmacy companies..
It's pretty awesome that it's available but it's a pill you have to take every single day. Great if you have a positive partner or you just wanna be the biggest whore ever lol.
~Octopussy~ ⋅ February 11, 2016
It's been a while for me too (sex-wise) and I just don't feel the need to go searching. It'll come to me (pardon the pun) when it's good. I think you should go up there and fuck him so hard he can't possibly sit for the whole next day. You can do it! You need it!!!
KissOfLife! ~Octopussy~ ⋅ February 11, 2016
Oh the irony of reading that advice when that's exactly what I did lol. Oh well, drought is broken.