Games night in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 31, 2016, 1:58 p.m.
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Another work week is over for me, thank fuck. It was just one of those frustrating weeks where I was getting annoyed at certain workmates for being lazy… which I guess isn’t anything that new. It just really sucks when I work so hard to get everything done and the one thing they have to do, they can’t even do it. Management at this place is fucked. I literally overheard my manager say today “I can work hard, but I can’t be seen working hard, because then it will be expected of me all the time.”
So, that’s the mentality here. Right. ^groans^
I went to Steve’s place last night because Moe organised a games night, which we haven’t had in a while. He just organised it through a group-chat on Facebook and Rhys and his partner, Luke, said they were keen, so after work yesterday, I quickly came home, had a quick shower (the humidity and heat has been INSANE here this past week, just really unpleasant) and went on my way. I even packed my roll-on deodorant in my cargo short pockets in case I needed it. Fuck, I literally felt like the humidity must have been close to 100% yesterday.
I caught the train up to the northside, where I had intended to catch an Uber to Steve’s from the station. I had the idea to jump on the Nambour train and just get off at Bowen Hills, since that was an express train and I needed the All-Stations to Caboolture line. Except that my Nambour train only made it one station before it decided to break down LOL.
Great. I texted Steve that I may be late because of what happened, and he texted back, “You don’t have much luck with trains, do you?” The last time I went to Steve’s, there was track-work happening and my connecting bus never showed up, so it look like three hours just to get home lol.
Anyway, eventually the damn train moved, and they announced it was a signal issue, but everyone on the train knew that was bullshit, as the train was as old as Gandhi and looked like it was on it’s last legs anyway.
We had to all get off the train at the Valley, where everyone was told to board the next Caboolture train. So everyone did that, and then when the train got to Lawnton station, another Nambour train met our train, and the train I was on had to wait for that one to pull ahead of us, as it expressed and therefore went faster. Ergh. Anyway, after all that, it only worked out to be about 20 minutes later all up, and I had left plenty of time to arrive anyway, so the boys had only just all turned up when I arrived.
I got to Dakabin station where I was surprised to be picked up by Rhys in his car! That was such a nice surprise. I really like Rhys, he’s such a happy-go-lucky guy and always has a smile on his face. Considering I was texting Steve the whole time, I was expecting him to come get me, like he’d said he would, so, surprise.
The games night itself was fun. Steve cooked up some patties to make us all burgers and also cooked up some fries for us to munch on. We played a game called “Risk”, which none of us had heard of, and as Moe was reading the rules of the game, it all seemed very complicated. I rolled the highest die number, so I had to go first, and I had no idea what I was meant to be doing. Anyway, once the game got under way, it ended up being really fun. It’s basically an army Game-Of-Thrones type game where you have army’s and take over opponents land areas etc. Quite fun. I think I came about 3rd out of the 5 of us, as it goes by whoever has the most points at the end of the game, which was Luke.
Rhys and Luke were really nice and offered to drop me off at the train station so that I could catch the last train home. I was keeping an eye on the time, except for some reason my phone was only showing the last service as at 11:15pm, which seemed early for a Saturday night, but then again I figured it was inbound so probably made sense. Rhys looked on his phone and there was another one a half hour later than that, woohoo.
They dropped me off at Dakabin station, which was a little eerie being at a small suburban station all alone, but they were nice and waited in their car while I searched for one of those ‘The next train is in....’ buttons, but I couldn’t find one, so they yelled out across the tracks to me that they’d take me to Petrie, which is a bigger station.
So that was great of them. I ran back across the platform and jumped back in Rhys’ car. He had to work the next morning as well, a little earlier than me.
I got to Petrie and hugged them goodbye from the backseat of the car, so it was more like a squeeze, and I thanked them again. It was so good to see them. They are a cute couple.
I was still at Petrie station by myself as well, but it was way more lit up, and there was even an extra service on top of the extra service Rhys had found. I waited there for about 10 minutes or so for the train to turn up for the hour-trip home, and got home just after midnight, so that worked out well.
This is me looking disgusting at the train station. I was working with humidity to the core, that’s my excuse :P
All alone. Thank fuck it rained to cool it down a little, but it had stopped long enough for me to stay dry.
Anyway, weekend time! Wooooo.
whowhatwhere ⋅ January 31, 2016
I used to play Risk on my computer when I was a kid. I've never played it as a board game though.
kmh. ⋅ January 31, 2016
Ughhh I can't handle that Queensland humidity!
Lol that train trip was a disaster. You must be so glad to not need public transport that often.
Glad you had a good night with your friends and got home safely :)
cazoob ⋅ February 02, 2016
I heard on the news about the humidity in QLD. Yuck.
I'm so jealous of your games night! No one I know ever wants to play board games with me. I've heard of Risk but never played it before. I'll have to look into it!
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ February 04, 2016
I don't mind Risk, but I never have the patience for long games.
DonaldBott ⋅ December 21, 2024
Games night is a fantastic way to gather friends and family for an evening of fun and friendly competition. Whether you're playing board games, card games, or video games, it’s an opportunity to relax, bond, and create lasting memories. For those who enjoy online gaming, platforms like 1win connexion offer a variety of options to make your game night even more exciting. You can challenge others in real-time, explore new games, and enjoy a dynamic experience from the comfort of your home. It’s the perfect way to combine socializing and entertainment in one thrilling night.
Freddy21s ⋅ February 16, 2025
I've been playing online games for quite some time now and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. I recently learned that there is a very good opportunity to play some good games here . You really should register as soon as possible and get your bonuses there, as they increase your chances of success by a lot.