Dirty Grandpa in Adventures in paradise
- Feb. 2, 2016, 8:45 a.m.
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Apparently ‘Zika Virus’ is a thing now. Must be pretty bad if the World Health Organisation is declaring a public emergency. Every year, it’s something new, something different. Fucking scary. Apparently mozzies can carry this one? Those bastards already can carry two other killer diseases! Fuckers. And you can’t just avoid them. They sneak up on you with their numbing-magical-powers and are gone leaving with with an itch and no idea they were even there. How cruel. Luckily they haven’t been too bad around here, but I haven’t really been in the back yard much.
I went over to Vish and Jame’s again tonight. I went over for dinner, but Vish had completely forgotten he’d even wanted it. Ergh. I did find it very interesting that his friend Mitch can’t stand my housemate, Nick. LOL. Ohh, gotta love gay drama. I think Mitch is just a little bitch, which is a shame from someone as attractive as he is. He thinks Nick is vain. Well… no shit, Sherlock! Nick just doesn’t put up with bullshit, and he’s allowed to be vain. He’s hot shit.
Anyway. We had dinner. There’s a new gay guy working there. I swear Grill’d just loves employing gay guys haha. He had bright red hair, but I didn’t catch his name badge.
I decided to see a movie since I was near the New Farm Cinemas and it was cheap Tuesday. Vish was originally coming with, but then backed out for some stupid reason, so I went by myself. James was nice enough to drop me off, since it was still raining a bit. I saw ‘Dirty Grandpa’ because it was the only comedy film playing, and it has Zac Efron in it. It had some pretty funny bits in it, but most of it was stupid. And yeah, you get to see Zac pretty much naked quite a few times, so I reckon I got my money’s worth.
I’ve been chatting to quite a few guys on Grindr since this glitch went down. I swear some of these conversations are from guys who blocked me years ago but don’t even remember. Quite amusing, really. There was one guy who was my perfect type (tall, young, around 80ish kg) who wanted to hook up, but then he stopped replying. Ergh. I guess he got someone else.
I’m not sure whether calling the guys out who have blocked me is a good thing or not. Probably not. I’m better off just leaving it. Once the glitch is fixed I’m sure I’ll go back to being blocked anyway, and I can chat to guys who actually want to chat to me of their own accord.
I took some piccies walking home, but my camera is pretty lame at night.
I’m getting a bit scruffy. Will shave it tomorrow so I don’t look like a seedy Mexican drug cartel.
Me telling Kylie how hot it was here today on Snapchat lol
Story Bridge. It would look decent with a decent camera, which I ain’t got, so meh.
Oh God this really is terrible. I swear it looked pretty! :D
And why do cameras show shots from so much further away than the natural eye see’s it? Huh? Mystery of the universe!
And this is just the hairdresser the street over from me that lights up in neon since their renovation. It’s my fav colour :D
Last updated February 02, 2016
Deleted user ⋅ February 02, 2016
You are still so cute...
crunchie ⋅ February 02, 2016
I like your Mexican drug lord picture lol. I was wanting to see dirty grandpa because it looked on the ads to be a bit like bad grandpa and I loved that movie
nthaniel ⋅ February 03, 2016
Is there supposed to be something wrong with your "scruffy" look? I tried to find it, but I couldn't see the error. Beautiful as always! :)
KissOfLife! nthaniel ⋅ February 03, 2016
Haha thankyou kind sir :)
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ February 03, 2016
Zika has just been diagnosed in Texas, which is the state next to me. There shouldn't be mozzies around now, because it's so cold, but I'm still slightly freaked.
KissOfLife! AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ February 03, 2016
I just read that it can be sexually transmitted also! :o Yikes!
AlexYourAlterEgo KissOfLife! ⋅ February 03, 2016
Ruh roh!