Day 20 Month 1 Year 2016 in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Jan. 20, 2016, 8:49 p.m.
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Started the day off with a de-snowing of my car and Wife’s car. Then off to a dermatology appointment. Here’s a new twist… is anyone else really self-conscious the first time they have to take off their clothes for a new doctor? Especially if it is a doctor of the opposite gender? Maybe I’m crazy. Doctor looked at my back and said “Oh yeah. I see what’s going on. And I see where you’ve been itching.” Apparently… this thing that has been driving me mad for months is Eczemac Dry Skin. Suggested creams not lotions and prescribed a particular one for me. Said to apply it within 30 seconds of leaving a shower. So… on my back… which means I’ll have to rely on Wife’s assistance (if I can get it) but it makes me wonder… what would the suggestion have been were I single? Like… if someone has an ailment of this nature in a hard to reach spot… are they required to call family, friends, strangers and ask for help? Just… something that came to mind.

Then I was reading an article about the Wal Mart closures that was trying to say Wal Mart was closing stores due to being “unfairly forced to pay workers higher wages; a move that directly led to a dip in the stock value.” Uhm… bullshit. Here’s my exact response: Wal Mart is claiming that they are closing stores due to “required wage increases.” Don’t believe the lie. They are mostly closing Wal Mart Express locations, an experiment investors didn’t believe in. When Wal Mart stock dipped, Wal Mart did what they always do… blame employees, raise corporate profit by sacking folks, and hope the stock goes up.

Facebook has been targeting my weakest sides of late. LOADS of articles about politics, business, and comic books of course (my algorithm would obviously put those as primary) but they also have loads of stuff like:
Women Reveal What They Really Think of Your Penis Size
(OF COURSE reading this article is awful for me. Not simply because of penis comparative issues but reading about sexual expression, exploration, oral, etc… really reminds me that sex at all for me is infrequent and never involves oral or experimentation of any kind).
Moms Have Got It Going
(Really, just softcore porn in most cases. As artful as I find the female form; simply taking a photo of a barely dressed woman with large breasts doesn’t quite count as provocative or artistic for me. That being said, these are always a bit fun/funny as the typical “Hot Cougar” is the average mom where I grew up.)
Girls That Will Make You Go WOW
(Again, just softcore porn in most cases. As artful as I find the female form; simply taking a photo of a barely dressed woman with large breasts doesn’t quite count as provocative or artistic for me. That being said, these shots do tend to be somewhat more alluring in some cases.)
Take a Roll in the Hay with These Country Girls
(Honestly, had high hopes for these. I was thinking some great potentially artistic shots of girls fishing, hunting… that sort of thing. Wasn’t exactly what it was. Some archery which is both hot and awesome… some horseback riding… but mostly “Girls in Cowboy Hats” or “Girls in Flannel” kind of thing).
Flexibility? No problem!
(These are what one would expect from the title. But more than just “flexible is hot” it is… but more than that… I’ll always like the art and horror of extensive flexibility. It is no wonder that I once did gymnastics… as did, once upon a time, my wife. The most awful things about galleries like this, though, is that there is little to no imagination as to the pose. The same thing over and over and the specific pose is often not very attractive nor does it properly demonstrate a full range of flexibility).
The Most Ridiculous Things People Got In Trouble For In School
(Not super inventive, not super creative… but some of it could be funny? Biggest thing for me with these? It demonstrates I’ve been with inmates too long. I read the story and for some of these? I can quite quickly imagine the part the author left out! Y’know… the part of the story that takes it from “Crazy Teacher” to “Disruptive Student.”)
Curvy Asian Girls That Will Blow Your… Mind
(I’ll offer no reasoning or defense for this one. You offer a gallery that suggests Beautiful Asian Women or Attractive Red Heads… it is like a compulsion. If anyone is at all curious… favorites in this gallery are 4, 5, and 6!)

Perhaps to save face after such a lurid list (or maybe just because I want to re-connect intellectually) allow me to share this article about Making A Murderer. It is from a particularly interesting perspective and, though potentially longer than some would like, a good read in many respects.

In other news… I really don’t like that my boss tries to “stay in contact” with me about things. For loads of reasons. (1) He doesn’t do that with the supervisor. (2) He doesn’t do it to get feedback or provide instruction… he does it to find out what the hell is going on in a department he is supposed to be the boss of. Which irritates me. (3) It feels a bit like nagging… like he’s not pleased that (since I’m not getting benefits) I’m no longer willing to work more than 30 hours. Well… yeah. If the County won’t pay for health insurance, you aren’t getting full time hours… go fuck yourself. Plus… I still can’t get passed the whole quagmire of bullshit surrounding this job versus a “real” job. CURRENT: if I do full time hours… $27k with not benefits to do a shitty job that requires no education, working closely with dangerous inmates without security present. APPLIED Jobs: average… $50k with retirement benefits, health care, vacation and sick time to do a job that I’ve trained for and received a degree to do that is typically highly secured via security and metal detectors. So yeah… as I get interviews for jobs that would set me up with an instant $23,000 raise and intangibles… I will give far less shits about the stupid job that has given me 8x more responsibility while cutting my take home pay over the last 4 years.... most drastically cutting it within the past 8 months!

So now I’ve reached that point in the day where I know I really must get up and go in to work. If for no other reason than so that I may contribute financially… in the ways I do.... which, with the job/pay is basically pay for fuel to get to/from work and possibly a bit extra. And I’m absolutely possessed of “I don’t want to do this at all.” I don’t want to engage in yet another “discussion” about why an attorney is a “piece of shit” for not getting the charges dropped… I don’t want to engage in yet another “lecture” on why the law is shitty for taking longer than 6 days on a felony… mostly, I don’t want to spend another ANY amount of hours dealing with these people. Because think about it from my perspective… I’m dealing with the individuals and questions that the professional attorneys don’t have to. A professional attorney can bill between $200 and 600 per hour to deal with these assholes… to deal with these assholes from the comfort of their posh, temperature controlled, secure offices. I make less than 7% of the lowest estimate… in a concrete box with plastic chairs, in a room that even COs bitch about the temperature. Thing of it is… I wouldn’t even mind the whole work thing as much if I had just been allowed to stay PRETRIAL as I was hired. But… crisis… so I step up… and instead of a big ol’ “Thanks, chap. Here’s your handshake and pat on the back” it is “Now do more!” Ah well. Reluctantly… begrudgingly… off I go.

Hope I hear back from my interviews soon… and really hope it is good news!

Last updated January 20, 2016

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