No motivation. in A small but passable life.
- Jan. 18, 2016, 6:32 a.m.
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Well, I guess it’s something to look forward to. It is 21 degrees here with a wind chill of 7 degrees and snowing a bit at 10:39am. It is 52 degrees with a high of 68 degrees predicted in the desert. Tonight it will be 8 degrees here and 42 degrees there.
Even with that I’m still not enthused about going.
Oh yeah, the plane ticket was $105.02 and with an $18.00 carry-on and the other added crap it ended up being $158.00 total. That’s even cheaper than a bus ticket.
I started re-tossing things into the carry-on. This time with an actual list. It looks like everything will fit. If not, instead of packing my empty knapsack in the carry-on I can use it for overflow. I didn’t have to actually use it last time but I took it. It’s handy for toting crap to the pool and shower and back.
Now all I have to do in the next four days is pack everything away and pile everything up out of the way. I’ve got everything planned to be a nice tidy pile. I’ve got my old Army footlocker. On top of that will be my big black duffle bag of Winter clothes. On top of that will be my full-size backpack. On top of that will be my shoulder bag carry-on. Then my day-pack. And very last will be my goosedown sleeping bag in it’s storage sack. My bedding will go on my lawn chair. All the crap on my table will go with me. I’ll lean my mattress up against the wall and then vacuum. Then I’ll be done.
I’ve got four days to do all that, maybe an hour’s worth of effort.
Wednesday night I’ll do a load of laundry. Thursday morning I’ll shave and shower.
I just froze all the books I had a hold on. But there is the new Stephen King in transit. I could go check it out and try to read it in the next four days, but then I wouldn’t get anything else done. Dammit.
I guess the main reason I’m not looking forward to this trip is that I have no idea if or when I’ll be able to return. I’d like to be back about March 1st, in time for another wilderness sojourn. But I can’t plan on it.
Mom has long term care insurance that would pay for in-home care, but the question is, will that work? We’ll have to have that discussion.
Anyway, I should try to get something accomplished.
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