Sisters in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 12, 2016, 3:42 p.m.
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So, apparently Aussies (except South Australians for some reason) are now allowed to enter that massive US 1.4B Powerball draw. Beats me how it works, but man, the USA’s seems even harder to win than ours is! Although they do need one number less I suppose. Anyway, I clicked on some link and it’s given me a free entry (as far as I can tell) upon signing up so we’ll see LOL. Not holding my breath haha. I think the chances of me turning straight will be higher.
According to the website, if an Australian wins the U.S Powerball jackpot, we’ll be taxed the same way a U.S winner would, which means after tax, the winnings would be around US$850M, which works out roughly to be A$1.2B anyways. Phewie. And whoever wins this will automatically get their name published in Forbes Magazine apparently.
Anyway, my arm is quite sore from the tennis on Monday. It’s only now decided to start hurting, which tells me I must’ve gotten DOMS from a lousy tennis match haha. I guess I’m not used to using that arm so much. I’m still pretty proud of how okay I played. I wasn’t great haha but at least I got a few good shots on the ball.
Tonight I went to the movies and saw “Sisters” at New Farm Cinemas with Vish, James, Mitch and Rick. It was awesome Vish invited them because the movie was my idea. Mitch is a total cutie (although dating someone) and Rick has a boyfriend but Rick is always so much fun to hang out with. It would have been awesome if Angelo could have made it too, but hey I had a really good night and some laughs with the boys.
We couldn’t get into the movie until the late session so we went and grabbed sushi at this place Rick’s boyfriend likes, and omg it was SO good. I ordered the kaaraggon chicken and it was nothing like the stuff I’d get at Hanaichi. The venue itself wasn’t that great, but the staff and the food were amazing and it was pretty cheap also. Always good to find a new good food place in Brisbane, although it’s a bit out of the way for me personally because I don’t drive, but if ever I’m out that way, for sure I’ll go back. Apparently they have a line out the door at lunchtime every day.
We were still an hour early after dinner, so we went to a pub and grabbed a few drinks. I just ordered a cider, even though I’d had one of my lovely Tasmanian ones earlier for lunch. Look at me turning into an alcoholic single gay in my 30’s LOL.
My head was spinning slightly, but it was nice to ‘take the edge off’ so to speak and relax me a little before the movie started, and it ended up being pretty damn funny, so I’m glad I made a good choice with it.
Ohhh, and my housemate Nick happened to be there haha. Talk about coincidence! He was with his usual girlfriends and there were like maybe 15 people in the whole cinema, and he was one of them. We live in the same house and do separate things yet he was there haha. Crazy.
Rick was kind enough to offer me a lift and drop me home. Vish asked if I wanted to ask Mitch to, but I’m really not that close to Mitch and I’m not even sure if he likes me all that much haha, so no I didn’t bother. I’m always happy to walk home. I’ve just been a little wary since the coward-punch incident happened last week. I know I shouldn’t be, as I’ve lived here almost 14 years now and yeah crime like this does happen and I’ve walked home alone thousands of times and those fuckheads are locked away, but there’s always gonna be more wankers to take their place, isn’t there? I’ve heard of enough serious crime (although rare) happening in my time of living here that’s it gets a bit scary at times. I suppose when it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go. Granted, of course I would love to live out my life in it’s entirely without anyone else cutting it short for me, but I’m just being realistic that not everyone gets that privilege :( Anyway, happier thoughts! I had quite a good night and I’m thankful for the boy’s company :)
Last updated January 12, 2016
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