Fourty/Love in Adventures in paradise

  • Jan. 11, 2016, 4:49 a.m.
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Tennis finally happened!
It was good. I played alright considering I haven’t properly hit a racquet in like a year. We just hit it around though so didn’t play games or anything.
The court was booked for 9:30am and it was a nice sanded grass court so kinda cool to play on that surface. When I do play I usually just go down to the free concrete courts next to the Grammar school.
Man, it was hot though! I’m glad we didn’t play for anymore than an hour. I kind of feel like I may have the start of heatstroke after running around chasing balls for an hour. Hmmm, sounds like my old-school weekends :P

I got dropped back off at home and immediately drank heaps of my cool lemon water in the fridge. I’ve decided to start drinking lemon water (for some reason, apparently it has great health benefits) so I’m just seeing how my body reacts to it. So far so good. Gym this past week has been more productive and I think it’s because I’m feeling a bit better, and maybe the lemon water is helping, I dunno. I bought one of those rip-off Norwegian glass bottles and copied what a lot of other guys on my Facebook have been doing by infusing fruit in the bottles. I thought that the cap of the bottle would be the same size as the jar, so I could easily insert lemon pieces into it, but it’s not :( so I have to cut them up small and shove them through the hole. Wow, I’m on a roll today with the innuendo :D I tend to change the lemon over every three days for fresh slices. I figure that’s probably enough time? Not sure how long lemon lasts in water but if the taste changes, that’s when I figure I’ll change it. And seeing lemon pieces floating around a glass bottle looks kinda cool too if I store it sideways in the fridge. If I store it upright on the counter, they just float to the top. Physics, huh?

I mean, this part of a health change probably doesn’t make up for the constant shit that I still eat, given my chocolate obsession haha, but it’s something to counter-act it :D

I’m not sure if tennis will be a regular thing. It’s $18 to hire those grass courts for an hour, and although they are nice, the cost could add up. Luke paid for them today and picked me up and dropped me home so that was nice of him. It was good to catch up. It’s so rare that I see him these days so generally a lot happens in that time. I think we got along okay and we laughed quite a few times. It was just a bit too warm! It’s meant to get hotter later this week, around the mid-35’s. Add humidity to that and phewie.

Andrew’s back from New South Wales and has been telling me about all his whoring down there at the gay camping grounds. Always interesting lol. Nick walked in last night as Andrew goes, “I was sucking this guy off and…” (cue Nick walking in)… Andrew: “Whoops!” and we all burst out laughing. I chimed in with, “…just typical conversation.” It’s weird, I think my housemates are scared of Andrew. I seem to be the only one who sits in the lounge and chats with him. Nick will chat to him but always leave the room. Alex, well he’s never to be seen outside of his room except for when he needs food. His cat (Tiger) was cute last night though, trying to chase moths around the lounge-room, which get in because Andrew leaves absolutely everything open when he’s home. I even had one in my room all last night, so I realised when I woke up this morning.
We watched some gay movie on my hard drive last night that I didn’t remember seeing, and started another really low-budget one which wasn’t that great and I’d seen before anyway, and I went to bed halfway through in order to be up in time for tennis today. It was nice. Something a bit different to do with my Monday.

I don’t know what I’m going to do for the rest of my ‘weekend’. I was thinking of going to see that “Sisters” movie if Vish and James are free tomorrow night. Then on Wednesday I kind of want to hire a car and go for a drive somewhere, as I haven’t done that in ages. Bit pricey though.

AlexYourAlterEgo January 13, 2016

Mmm. Lemon water is so good. I am also obsessive about a slice of lemon in a glass of icy, cold coca cola. DROOL.

~Octopussy~ January 15, 2016

I hated Sisters.

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