Rain... Rain... Rain... and more Rain in Talk Story

  • Jan. 12, 2016, 6:40 p.m.
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It’s raining here on the southern coast of Oregon… and has been for the better part of two months… with rain in the forecast for at least the next seven days…

Hard to believe that just nine weeks ago we were concerned about the drought…

Every once in a while we get an overcast day with just sprinkles… giving me time to work (play) in the yard… but very few walks to the beach…

In December we had 30 inches of rain… seems like a lot (well truth be told it is a lot)…

But on the other hand… no snow… the temperture has been quite mild… and according to the calendar… summer is just a couple of months away… (oh… I guess Spring is just a couple of months away)…

Other than my complaining about the weather… all remains well with me…

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