One punch can kill :( in Stuff
- Jan. 5, 2016, 1:15 a.m.
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Well, it’s confirmed that the 18-yo fella died from that coward punch. Man. I didn’t know him personally but it’s affecting me pretty badly mentally. And yeah, I know why that is. It could have been me a few years ago.
And of course that damn Coward-punch ad was on TV yesterday. I mean, it’s a good ad but it’s so sad that we need to have it on the air these days.
A lot of friends have been sharing the media columns on Cole Miller’s passing, and naturally today it is the top trending on twitter. How his father got up and did that press conference yesterday is beyond me. What a courageous man.
The guy who did it’s facebook page was pretty easy to find. I looked it up before everyone else started shaming the killer by sharing his profile. He’s a typical backward’s thinking bogan meathead. Surprise, surprise.
What I didn’t know however is that he made a status back in 2014 saying something like ‘Just need one faggot to walk past and say the wrong thing.’ (except replace all the words to be spelled incorrectly, obviously). So yeah, uneducated, anger issues, homophobic as fuck and complete wanker basically. His sentence has been upgraded to ‘unlawful striking causing death’, which I believe is a fairly new sentence over the past few years. It’s like one of my Facebook friends said (who shared the article), “Shit like this never happened back in my clubbing days!”
And it didn’t! I mean, not as far as I knew it didn’t? Now we have a fucking TV advertisement going around and ads on the side of buses saying “One punch can kill” and lockout laws in both Sydney and Brisbane.
This attack happened at 3:30am, outside of lockout law times and in the middle of Chinatown Mall. Right where I had walked past 5 hours earlier with my friend Carly. Cole was with his mate too, who witnessed the whole thing. The killer with with three of his thug mates. Two had been charged. Not sure what the deal is with the others. There was a tribute to Cole last night in the mall, and there’s another next Monday in the city.
The police say that this was a random attack, but looking at Cole’s pictures that I’ve seen, he seemed like a really happy-go-lucky sort of guy and may have even come across as the complete opposite of the thug who killed him. I don’t believe Cole was gay, but I can’t help to be more inclined to see this as a hate crime.
Anyway, so stupid me decided to go to the gym in the city late last night, but I shouldn’t have bothered. I have to walk all the way around this park as I refuse to walk through it at night (an Asian girl was killed there only about two years ago now), so I’ve had so much reminder of death lately that it’s really fucking with my mind and not allowing me to live whilst I’m still alive, if that makes any sense.
The whole time someone was walking the other direction, I’m thinking, ‘is that a killer? Is this it? is this where it ends?’ LOL.
So anyway I got to the gym and back. I only ended up doing a bit of a run and a bit of a leg workout at a pretty pathetic weight. I then decided I didn’t like how many people were hogging the weight area (even at that late hour) so went home. Normally I walk through the parklands, which are well lit, but they close them at 8pm so I have to walk all the way around.
I stopped in at a real estate a few days ago, just to read the listings in the window. I do that every so often. One place looks pretty appealing. I’d still have to live with at least 1 person to afford it sensibly, but it’s an option and nice to know places like that are available. There is so much construction going on in this area and nearby that hopefully supply will out-strip demand in the coming year or two. I might even be able to get a nice modern place and if supply is high, the price not be too bad. Probably wishful thinking when it comes to investor mortgages however. Anyway, still keeping an eye out. If I see a one-bedroom like that one, it’d be pretty amazing.
My current housemates don’t really talk to me anyway. It’s only Andrew who is the social one when he’s home. I don’t think it would be that different.
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ January 05, 2016
Yes, Cole's father is a freaking tower of strength. I can't bear reading about these sorts of things. My heart just breaks at how unfair it is, and how one stupid person can do something so pointless, and ruin so many lives.
And you're right to keep your wits about you. Not to say that anything might happen to you, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of your surroundings, and play it as safe as you can.