mcd's king's. panera thai. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

Revised: 11/19/2016 4:26 a.m.

  • Jan. 5, 2016, 1:11 a.m.
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right so [for the 4th damn time in this entry]...........yeah like i put on Mon. the......28th valerie & I went to McD’s the one by my place. I’d actually never been in there it was nice. instead of a menu board thing they had one of those video tv menu things w/ the stupid tiny lettering and it kept changing screens. starbucks has stupid tiny lettering also. When I’d gotten my order and gotten our seats I went to get the ketchup and i’m like ‘i know i just saw it where’d it go?’ the ketchup packets. The nice short small russian lady went ‘what are you looking for spoon fork?’ ‘ketchup’. and then I asked one of the cashiers. they had it in a bin. Prior to that happening after I’d ordered she ordered and she told the cashier to keep the change.what a nice lady.
Yeah so after that we went to the King’s which was depressing as god. I don’t remember it being that depressing when i was living there. and it’s so quiet there. um. 2 of the clerks who worked there when I was living in that area still work there. or maybe they got fired/quit and then re-hired i don’t know. When I was walking in the direction of one i looked at him and thought something like ‘you were here when Pat was.......did you know Pat.........?’. eluding to the fact that in my thoughts i was wondering if he knew that Pat had, you know. left. I still feel like it’s somehow my responsibility to let those in that neighborhood know about Pat. valerie was shopping for food to make for dinner and she asked me for input and i’m like ‘um burritos, rice, mashed potatos see i’m basing this on what I eat’ and she’s like ‘right’ and then at some point later ‘what about a side?’. um i don’t eat sides a whole lot.
ok so i’ve put. on Wed. my mom & I went to Panera after my appt. but it was closed it had moved to lodo. [lower downtown. i realise this only means something to those from denver]. and so I’m thinking like ‘oh ok cool let’s go there’. hey any excuse to be out at night. like i don’t see why it’s such a problem for people to be out at night. oh........right some aren’t nocturnal. [not asking why]. like i’m not scared of downtown. and i’m not scared of colfax either. [well, obviously, or else i wouldn’t’ve ended up there once a little over 2 yrs. ago. no everything was fine nothing happened. although that does sound like the start to a story. um anyway]. So my mom’s like ‘let’s just go back to my house’. um ok. where we had potatos.again. I’m getting really tired of potatos. no more topatos for like a month. sometimes.there are just too many topatos.
so.............on the 31st my sister & I went to the Thai place by my mom’s. We’ve been there before. i like it it’s quiet nice nice staff good music. They don’t rush you either. er i mean like in addition to the things I’ve already listed that’s another thing I like about it. I got pad thai and she got. well I don’t remember what she got. We went there on the 31st of..........2015 as well. Whenever my uncle’s in town we go there w/ him. well our whole family goes not just Kate & I. I think well there’s this one waitress and I think some of her a few of her family members help w/ the business according to Kate who eluded to that that night. and then we got to talking about our parents and that it recently occured to me that they have like 2 jobs in a sense. well my mom’s a cpa [she does people’s taxes] my dad’s a soccer ref but then they also rent out their........apts. to the tenants they have. like I just put that together in the last like wk. or so. they have 3 apts. so it’s not like a big building or anything. my sister looked cute in a short dress and boots. and her gold 2 banded belt er no wait it’s copper. i. wasn’t dressed up. she’d gotten her nails done. they were red she says they don’t chip. they went well w/ her dress which was black and sleeveless and had a white design on it. her boots were short.

Last updated November 19, 2016

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