Go Me! 'INFP-T' in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 3, 2016, 5:53 p.m.
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I had a really bad, groggy sleep last night. Just wasn’t very pleasant at all. My mind must’ve been all over the place in my slumber because I woke up with my head hurting, generally a result of thinking too much, especially when I should have been recovering from thinking all day, but nope, my brain had other ideas!
I do remember one of the dreams and it involving me absolutely screaming at my father. Like a demonic scream. I’d had enough and snapped. Haha ohhhh, gotta love the subconscious mind, huh? :D
I kind of wish I had recorded myself sleeping last night (had I known that dream was gonna happen) because I woke up with the sorest and phlegm-iest throat, which makes me wonder if I was actually screaming during my sleep haha. I haven’t seen my housemates to ask.
One of the guys on my Facebook posted this link last night called ‘16 Personalities’ and I did the 12 minute quiz just to see what it came up with.
Upon seeing my result, I then saw that I could click on (for free) to see more in depth of what my result meant.
I know these things are usually very clever clickbait and such and they are so good at drawing you in, because I’m reading each and every paragraph about the result I’d gotten from the survey, feeling like ‘Holy fucking shit, this is SO me.’ It looks like a lot of research has gone into this and I suppose it makes sense that whatever answers you give will correlate to that personality type at the end, and they are just going to use similar words to determine the results from the answers you just gave them, but even so, it still fascinated me.
Of course, you then have the option to go into even more detail for a fee etc, but I thought it was nice to at least read the first bit and know that I do actually fit one of the 16 personality types. Mine apparently makes up 4% of the world’s population - my result being a ‘Mediator’ (INFP/-T).
I’m linking mine here so I can go back and read over it whenever I’m feeling batshit crazy in my own way. Of course, I wouldn’t just be that personality type. We’ve each had our own unique experiences in the world and when I factor in mine (country/rural, Christian upbringing and gay), I’m probably more like in the 0.5% of the world’s population, if that.
Why is it SO hard to meet people who are the same personality type as me? Would I want to? Would they drive me crazy? Would they be my soulmate? So many questions. Then I’m like if I’m in the 4% of that personality type and 5% of the world’s population is gay (give or take), then that makes me even more unique haha.
Of course, everyone else posting their results on his status were like the ‘E***’ personality type, who are like the out-there extrovert types, and I’m just sitting there like, ‘Oh, okay then.’ No-one was even close to posting near what my result was LOL. Go me!
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