I love a rainy night ... in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Dec. 21, 2013, 4:34 a.m.
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Well unless the temperature is 20ºF ... then I hate it ... unless I am snuggled in my bed under lots of warm thick blankets ... which I'm not, I am at work ... so yeah, not feeling this cold, rainy night.

The rain will be switching over to snow in a few hours. Oh yay. By this time tomorrow we shall have received 4 - 6 inches of snow.

Chances are, I will be walking to work tomorrow night. Which even though it is only 4/10 of a mile, in the cold snow will not be fun. But for whatever reason, our city is not too dedicated to clearing the main roads when there is significant snow fall so the secondary roads are not even on their radar. Subdivisions are on their own. So, since I was born & raised in SC where snow only happens once every 10 years, and the state shuts down when it does, I have very little experience driving in the crap. I would rather walk than end up in a ditch. Of course I may be singing a different tune on Sunday morning when it is time to go home lol.

Someone should call me. I am bored at work.

The Child has her basketball tournament later on this morning. Hopefully they will only play 1 game (at 8:30am) and then I can go home to sleep. This is my last Saturday of not getting decent sleep so I'm excited over that lol. I just hope and pray her team doesn't do what her volleyball team did ... go on to win the tournament/play till 4pm causing me to not get to bed till 6pm after getting off work at 7am that morning.

Speaking of which. Today I physically cornered the sports director at the YMCA about her volleyball team winning and what their prize was since everyone had a different story. Nothing. That is what her team gets. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

According to Kip, her bracket was the consolation bracket (meaning all the "good" teams played the regular bracket and the "not so good" teams played the consolation bracket). Way to slap the girls in the face Dude! I just looked at him and said, "So basically, her team was the Winners of the Losers." He just gave me a blank stare. So then I ended with, "And mentality like that is the reason why I won't be purchasing a membership here and once the basketball tournament is over tomorrow, she will not be playing any sports for the YMCA ever again. Not if this is how they treat the kids." Then I turned around, put my arm around her shoulders and we left. Rat bastards treating kids like that.

I haven't heard anything from the places I turned applications in at. Of course, this is the holidays so I really wasn't expecting to. But hopefully soon.

When I had my talk with Tami this past Monday morning, I was ready to scream. I told her I needed to come off weekends only and I needed to pick up an extra day. Her reply was that she couldn't just change the schedule on Sheila and that Shelia can't afford to lose a day's pay. So I explained that although I understood she couldn't just change the schedule on Shelia (I'd be pissed if they did that to me) but she could tell Shelia that the schedule needed to be changed around for a while since she (Tami) is the manager. She then went on to tell me how Shelia needs the money because they lost their food stamps and how they have all these bills to pay. I interrupted her and said, "That's a good thing they no longer get food stamps. That means she is making more than plenty of money. She should feel proud she got her family off food stamps and not look at it as a bad thing. But if she needs her food stamps so damn bad, then maybe she should give up a day or two of pay so she can get them back. Also, she is not the only one with bills. You just don't ever hear about my problems because I feel it is extremely unprofessional to complain about that stuff in the work place. You leave your work at work and your home at home. But if you wanna hear about my woes, then let's talk about the $388 ER bill I got for taking The Child to the emergency room last month when she had strep throat." So then Joleen pipes up with, "Well your insurance should cover most of that." So I kinda rolled my eyes and then looked at her and said, "Well normally yes. Unless you haven't met your deductible for the year yet. Then you have to pay the full amount." "Oh." is all she replied with. sigh So anyway, Tami said that she would see what she could do with the schedule to get me at least 1 weekend off a month, which I told her at least every other weekend. Joleen said that Tami will figure it all out when she comes off vacation after the new year. Wait, what? She's been here less than 2 months and she is getting vacation? Rachel worked almost a whole year and was only able to get one Fri, Sat & Sun off that whole time. But, I guess it pays to be the owners sister eh? I did tell Tami that if she was not able to adjust the schedule to accommodate me getting at least every other weekend off, that if Shelia's schedule had more seniority over mine, when I have been here 2 months longer than she has, then fine, I will graciously leave and go work for a company that is willing to accommodate me and respect the chain of seniority for it's employees. Both her and Joleen looked shocked when I said that. Anyway, only time will tell. Hubby was mad that I didn't turn in my notice that morning or that I haven't just quit altogether. As much as I would love to, we can't afford for me to do that without having another job to fall back on. We really can't afford, financially, for me to go 2 weeks without a paycheck, much less for a longer period of time. So I am here for the time being. Unless one of the other hotels call to offer me a job.

Well, since no one will call me, guess I will go sweep the floors. I won't mop since they really don't need it. No sense wasting money on water and cleaning solution. See, aren't I a conscientious employee, looking for ways to save the company money? Besides, I will mop more than my fair share tomorrow night with all the snow we are going to be getting. Or not. With only 10 rooms rented right now & 2 scheduled to check out, we may not have enough people to make messy foot prints on the floors lol

Till next time ...

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